Welcome! What you are about to view are butterflies found on the island of Singapore. But first, a little bit about Singapore.

Singapore is a small island of 699.1 square kilometres of land located at the tip of the peninsula of West Malaysia. The climate of Singapore is equatorial, with monsoon rains during the months of June-July and November-December. The average daily temperature is between 28oC to 33oC.

The island is densely built up with only just under 5% of the total land area (or about 2,840 Hectares) designated as nature reserves and managed by the National Parks Board. Such little pockets of forest reserves also serve as water catchment areas. The forestry is mostly secondary jungle.

Indigenous flora and fauna are rare and butterflies are counted amongst them. Take time to admire these slides of Singapore's beautiful butterflies, taken in the wild.

The majority of the photographs on this website were taken using a Nikon F-70D, using a SIgma 105mm EX Macro Lens. The slide films used were mainly Fuji Velvia ASA50 and Fuji Sensia ASA100 and scanned using a HP PhotoSmart S20 Slide Scanner.

Listing of Butterflies featured on this Website.