The White-Tipped Baron
Euthalia merta merta (Moore 1859)
A female White Tipped Baron (Euthalia merta merta) puddling on damp muddy ground in search of nutrients.
Scientific Data and Other Important Notes
Family : Nymphalidae
SubFamily : Nymphalinae
Genus : Euthalia (Linnaeus 1758)
Common Name : The White-Tipped Baron
Wingspan: 65-70 mm
Host Plant: 

Similar species: Various Euthalia and Tanaecia species.

White Tipped Baron (Male)

Status in Singapore: Very Rare
Habitat : Usually found in forested areas in deep shade

Description :  The male of the White-Tipped Baron is dark brown above whilst the female is whitish with separated spots on the inner edge of the post-discal fascia on the upperside forewing in spaces 2-6.  The dark submarginal line on the hindwing are composed of spots which tend to appear as arrowheads pointing outwards.  Both sexes have a slight bluish sheen when photographed in the field, particularly on the forewings. 

Habitat & habits : This species is generally found within shaded forested areas.  Like other species in the Euthalia genus, they are fast-flyers and very alert to movement.  Most of the time when these species are photographed, they are either sunbathing early in the morning after a cool night, or feeding on some rotting material on the ground.   

Other Observations :   The male of this species is difficult to identify in the field, as it bears a close resemblance to related species like the Baron (Euthalia aconthea gurda) and the Malay Baron (Euthalia monina monina - kform-monina).

Early Stages :  Unknown

  • Savela, Markku : "Lepidoptera and Some Other Life Forms", Systematic references of Euthalia merta merta
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