Savory | Savory |
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Family: Labiatae
Genus and species: Melissa Officinalis
Plant type: Perennial
Height and Width: 24-36 inches high; 24 inches wide
Location and Soil: Sun or light shade; rich, well-drained soil
Uses: Fresh leaves in tea, soups, stews, sauces, salads, vegetables, and iced drinks; dried leaves in potpourris and sachets; bees like flowers.
Propagation methods: Seeds, division, and cuttings
Time needed to reach transplant size: 6-10 weeks
When to transplant to garden: 2-3 weeks before last spring frost
When to sow outdoors: 2-3 weeks before last spring frost
Approx. Germination time: 14-21 days
Germination temp.: 70 degrees F.
Spacing between plants: 12 inches
Spacing between rows: 12 inches
Diseases: Powdery mildew
Harvest: before the plant flowers, pick leaves as needed, or cut entire plant to 2 inches above the ground; for drying, place leaves on a wire rack in a warm, airy place, then store in an airtight jar
Growing tips: Seeds need light to germinate; self-sows readily.
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Family: Umbelliferae
Genus and Species: Levisticum Officinale
Plant type: Perennial
Height and width: 36-72 inches high; 36 inches wide
Location and soil: Sun or partial shade; rich, moist, well-drained soil
Uses: Fresh or dried leaves and stems in soups, stews, and sauces; fresh leaves and stems in salads; seeds in pickling brines, cheese spreads, dressings, sauces, and breads; beneficial wasps like flowers
Propagation methods: Seeds and division
Time needed to reach transplant size: 6-8 weeks
When to transplant to garden: 2-3 weeks before last spring frost
When to sow outdoors: 2-3 weeks before last spring frost
Approx. germination time: 10-20 days
Germination temp.: 70 degrees F.
Spacing between plants: 30 inches
Spacing between rows: 30 inches
Diseases: Leaf miners
Harvest: Pick leaves and stems at any time; harvest seeds when mature by cutting off flower heads and sifting out seeds, then store in an airtight jar
Growing tips: Use fresh seeds for best germination.
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Family: Labiatae
Genus and species: Origanum Majorana
Plant type: Tender perennial
Height and width: 10-12 inches high; 10 inches wide
Location and soil: Sun; rich, well-drained soil; will grow indoors
Uses: Fresh or dried leaves in soups, stews, and sauces; meat, fish, and egg recipes; salads and vegetables
Propagation methods: Seeds
Time needed to reach transplant size: 6-10 weeks
When to transplant to garden: After last spring frost
When to sow outdoors: After last spring frost
Approx. germination time: 8-14 days
Germination temp.: 70 degrees F.
Days to maturity: 70 days
Spacing between plants: 12 inches
Spacing between rows: 18 inches
Harvest: Pick fresh leaves as needed; for drying, just before full flowering, cut stems with flower heads attached and dry on wire racks in a cool, airy place, then pick off leaves and store in an airtight jar
Growing tips: Light improves germination; plant is quite frost-sensitive
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Family: Labiatae
Genus and species: Origanum vulgare
Plant type: Perennial
Height and width: 12-24 inches high; 10-20 inches wide
Location and soil: Sun; well-drained soil; will grow indoors
Uses: Fresh or dried leaves in soups, stews, and sauces; meat, fish, and egg recipes; salads and vegetables; pizza; honeybees like flowersPropagation methods: Seeds, root division, and cuttings
Time needed to reach transplant size: 6-10 weeks
When to transplant to garden: after last spring frost
When to sow outdoors: After last spring frost
Approx. Germination time: 8-14 days
Germination temp.: 70 degrees F.
Days to maturity:N/A
Spacing between plants: 10-12 inches
Spacing between rows: 18 inches
Pests: Aphids, leaf miners, spider mites
Diseases: Fungal diseases, root rot
Harvest: Pick fresh leaves as needed; for drying, just before full flowering, cut stems with flower heads attached and dry on wire racks in a cool, airy place, then pick off leaves and store in an airtight jar
Growing tips: Origanum vulgare subspecies hirtum (Origanum
Heracleoticum) has better flavor than the species
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Family: Umbelliferae
Genus and species: Petroselinum Crispum
Plant type: Biennial
Height and Width: 18-24 inches high; 8-16 inches wide
Location and soil: Sun or partial shade; rich, moist soil; will grow indoors
Uses: fresh leaves in soups, stews, and sauces; meat, fish, and egg recipes; salads and vegetables
Propagation methods: Seeds
Time needed to reach transplant size: 10-12 weeks
When to transplant to garden: 3-4 weeks before last spring frost
When to sow outdoors: 3-4 weeks before last spring frost
Approx. Germination time: 21 days
Germination temp.: 70 degrees F.
Days to maturity: 75 days
Spacing between plants: 6 inches
Spacing between rows: 18 inches
Pests: Carrot weevils, Nematodes, Parsley Worms
Diseases: Crown rot
Harvest: Pick fresh leaves as needed; for drying, place sprigs on a wire rack in a warm, airy place, then store in an airtight jar
Growing tips: Soak seeds for 48 hours to speed germination; usually grown as an annual
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Family: Labiatae
Genus and species: Mentha Piperita
Plant type: Perennial
Height and width: 18-36 inches high; 24 inches wide
Location and soil: Sun or partial shade; rich, moist, well-drained soil
Uses: Dried leaves and flowers in cosmetics, potpourris, and sachets
Propagation methods: Division and cuttings
Time needed to reach transplant size: Not recommended (mint hybridizes readily and does not often come true from seed)
Spacing between plants: 18 inches
Spacing between rows: 24 inches
Pests: Aphids, Cutworms, Grasshoppers, Root Borers, Flea Beetles, Spider Mites, Root Weevils
Diseases: Anthracnose, rust, verticillium wilt
Harvest: Use fresh as needed
Growing tips: Mint is very invasive and is best planted in pots sunk up to their rims in the ground
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Family: Labiatae
Genus and species Rosmarinus Officinalis
Plant type: Tender perennial
Height and width: 72 inches high; 36-72 inches wide
Location and soil: Sun or partial shade; well-drained soil; will grow indoors
Uses: Fresh or dried leaves in soups, stews, and sauces; meat, fish, and egg recipes; salads and vegetables; cosmetics
Propagation methods: Seeds, division, cuttings, and layering
Time needed to reach transplant size: 8-10 weeks
When to transplant to garden: After last spring frost
When to sow outdoors: After last spring frost
Approx. germination time: 21 days
Germination temp.: 70 degrees F.
Days to maturity: 85 days
Spacing between plants: 12 inches
Spacing between rows: 18 inches
Pests: Aphids, Mealybugs, Scale, Spider mites, Whiteflies
Diseases: Botrytis, Root rot
Harvest: Pick fresh leaves as needed; for drying, cut branches before plant flowers, bunch them together, and hang them upside down in a warm, airy place, then remove leaves and store in an airtight jar
Growing tips: Germination is often erratic
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Family: Labiatae
Genus and species: Salvia Officinalis
Plant type: Perennial
Height and Width: 12-30 inches high; 24 inches wide
Location and soil: Sun; rich, well-drained soil; tolerates poor, dry soil; will grow indoors
Uses: fresh or dried leaves in soups, stews, and sauces; meat recipes; bees like flowers
Propagation methods: Seeds, division, cuttings, and layering
Time needed to reach transplant size: 6-10 weeks
When to transplant to garden: 1-2 weeks before last spring frost
When to sow outdoors: 1-2 weeks before last spring frost
Approx. Germination time: 21 days
Germination temp.: 60-70 degrees F.
Days to maturity: 75 days
Spacing between plants: 24-30 inches
Spacing between rows: 24 inches
Pests: Slugs, Spittlebugs, Spider mites
Diseases: Root rot, wilt
Harvest: Pick fresh leaves as needed; for drying, cut branches before plant flowers, bunch them together, and hang them upside down in a warm, airy place, then remove leaves and store in an airtight jar
Growing tips: Well-drained soil is a must; many varieties available, such as purple, golden, variegated, and tricolor
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Family: Labiatae
Genus and species: Satureja Hortensis
Plant type: Annual
Height and Width: 12-18 inches high; 10-14 inches wide
Location and soil: Sun; tolerates poor soil; will grow indoors
Uses: dried leaves in soups, stews, and sauces; bean, meat, fish, and egg recipes
Propagation methods: Seeds and cuttings
Time needed to reach transplant size: 4-6 weeks
When to transplant to garden: After last spring frost
When to sow outdoors: After last spring frost
Approx. Germination time: 10-15 days
Germination temp.: 70 degrees F.
Days to maturity: 60 days
Spacing between plants: 18 inches
Spacing between rows: 18 inches
Harvest: Pick fresh leaves as needed; for drying, cut branches before plant flowers, bunch them together, and hang them upside down in a warm, airy place, then remove leaves and store in an
airtight jar
Growing tips:Light promotes germination, which is often erratic.
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Family: Labiatae
Genus and species: Satureja montana
Plant type:Perennial
Height and Width: 6-12 inches high; 8-12 inches wide
Location and soil: sun; dry, well-drained soil
Uses: dried leaves in soups, stews, and sauces; bean, meat, fish, and egg recipes
Propagation methods: seeds and cuttings
Time needed to reach transplant size: 4-6 weeks
When to transplant to garden: After last spring frost
When to sow outdoors: After last spring frost
Approx. germination time: 20 days
Germination temp.: 70 degrees F.
Days to maturity: 70 days
Spacing between plants: 18 inches
Spacing between rows: 15 inches
Harvest: Pick fresh leaves as needed; for drying, cut branches before plant flowers, bunch them together, and hang them upside down in a warm, airy place, then remove leaves and store in an
airtight jar
Growing tips: Light promotes germination, which is often erratic
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Family: Labiatae
Genus and species: Mentha spicata
Plant type: Perennial
Height and width: 12-24 inches high; 12-24 inches wide
Location and soil: Sun or partial shade; rich, moist, well-drained soil
Uses: fresh leaves in tea, cosmetics, desserts, baking, candy, and iced drinks
Propagation methods: division and cuttings
Time needed to reach transplant size: Not recommended (mint hybridizes readily and does not often come true from seed)
Spacing between plants: 18 inches
Spacing between rows: 24 inches
Pests: Aphids, Cutworms, Grasshoppers, Root borers, Flea beetles,
Spider mites, Root weevils
Diseases: Anthracnose, rust, verticillium wilt
Harvest: Use fresh as needed
Growing tips: Mint is very invasive and is best planted in pots sunk up to their rims in the ground.
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Family: Compositae
Genus and species: Artemisia dracunculus
Plant type: Perennial
Height and width: 24-36 inches high; 24 inches wide
Location and soil: Sun or partial shade; rich, well-drained soil; tolerates dry soil; will grow indoors
Uses: Fresh or dried leaves in soups, stews, and sauces; meat, fish, and egg recipes; salads and vegetables; flavoring for vinegar
Propagation methods: Seeds and cuttings
Time needed to reach transplant size: Not recommended (seeds from French
tarragon are not viable; available seeds are from Russian tarragon which is not the plant used for culinary purposes)
Spacing between plants: 24 inches
Spacing between rows: 24 inches
Diseases: Mildew, root rot
Harvest: Pick fresh leaves just as flowers begin to emerge; for drying, place leaves on wire racks in a warm, airy place and store in an airtight jar
Growing tips: Flowers rarely open fully, and are usually sterile
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Family: Labiatae
Genus and species: Thymus vulgaris
Plant type: Perennial
Height and width: 2-12 inches high; 10-12 inches wide
Location and soil: Sun or partial shade; tolerates poor soil
Uses: fresh or dried leaves in soups, stews, and sauces; meat, fish, and egg recipes; salads and vegetables; flavoring for vinegar
Propagation methods: Seeds, division, cuttings, and layering
Time needed to reach transplant size: 6-10 weeks
When to transplant to garden: 2-3 weeks before last spring frost
When to sow outdoors: 2-3 weeks before last spring frost
Approx. germination time: 21-28 days
Germination temp.: 70 degrees F.
Days to maturity: 70 days
Spacing between plants: 8-12 inches
Spacing between rows: 18 inches
Pests: Fungal diseases, root rot
Diseases: spider mites
Harvest: pick fresh leaves as needed; for drying, cut branches before plant flowers, bunch them together, and hang them upside down in a warm, airy place, then remove leaves and store in an airtight jar
Growing tips: Pinch back new growth to encourage bushiness
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Family: Labiatae
Genus and species: Thymus vulgaris
Plant type: Perennial
Height and width: 2-12 inches high; 10-12 inches wide
Location and soil: Sun or partial shade; tolerates poor soil
Uses: fresh or dried leaves in soups, stews, and sauces; meat, fish, and egg recipes; salads and vegetables; flavoring for vinegar
Propagation methods: Seeds, division, cuttings, and layering
Time needed to reach transplant size: 6-10 weeks
When to transplant to garden: 2-3 weeks before last spring frost
When to sow outdoors: 2-3 weeks before last spring frost
Approx. germination time: 21-28 days
Germination temp.: 70 degrees F.
Days to maturity: 70 days
Spacing between plants: 8-12 inches
Spacing between rows: 18 inches
Pests: Fungal diseases, root rot
Diseases: spider mites
Harvest: pick fresh leaves as needed; for drying, cut branches before plant flowers, bunch them together, and hang them upside down in a warm, airy place, then remove leaves and store in an airtight jar
Growing tips: Pinch back new growth to encourage bushiness
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Family: Rubiaceae
Genus and species: Galium odoratum
Plant type: Perennial
Height and width: 8-10 inches high; 10 inches wide
Location and soil: Partial shade; rich, moist, well-drained soil
Uses: Dried leaves used in potpourris and sachets; flowers and leaves used for teas and as a wine flavoring
Propagation methods: Seeds and division
Time needed to reach transplant size: not recommended (best from division; difficult to start from seed)
Spacing between plants: 12 inches
Spacing between rows: 18 inches
Harvest: pick fresh leaves at any time; for drying, cut stems and hang them upside down in bunches in a warm, shady place, then remove leaves and store in an airtight jar
Growing tips: Partial shade and humous-rich soil is a must