Thank-you for stopping by Judy's Place, I hope
you find your visit enjoyable.
Please feel free to E-mail me with any suggestions for this site, as I am still very new
at building them. But I am enjoying learning as I am going along. It is rather
addictive once you get going, hours and hours of time can pass by before you realize it.
Besides building my web site I enjoy playing Cribbage so if you
would like to play a game or two of Cribbage with me, send me email and we can make arrangements to play.
Some of my other hobbys are quilting and beading I hope to have
have some pictures of them up soon.
My husband and his father like to do wood working art soon there will
be pictures of their projects as well.
When I came on line a few years
back I came on to search for information of a medical condition I have. It is
called Chiari
Malformation Type 1 With a Syringomyelia. I did find information on it. I also
found a group of people that have the same thing and we are able to share our thoughts,
progress and up's and downs. Please read my Chiari story.
Enjoy your visit and please bookmark this site and come
back and look, at the new stuff I have put up to enjoy looking at.
Thanks Judy H