To Recollections of The Past About Your Host "Researcher Since 1992" Thank You for stopping by! I hope you'll find who you're looking for, as time goes by. BISHOP HORECKA McCLURE SLADOVNIK This site was created to be viewed with Black-Chance font.Download the zipped Black-Chance font file. After you've unzipped it, open Windows Explorer, then drag & drop the font file to the C:/Windows/Fonts folder. If needed, you can Click Here to download WinZip for Windows 95, a program to unzip zipped files. Awards WebRing You're our visitor. Last updated on April 30, 2002 Thanks to Northern-Dreams for this lovely background here. Copyright November 15, 2000. All rights reserved. Donna A. Sladovnik, your host, and Webmaster. Commercial use by anyone without written consent is strictly prohibited. Please Sign My Guestbook below! I received my spirit Stick on February 05, 2001.Please help spread good spirit by taking and placing it on your web site!