What jubilation bursts out of this sight
Into my senses--now I feel it flowing,
Youthful, a sacred fountain of delight,
Through every nerve, my veins are glowing.
Was it a god that made these symbols be
That sooth my feverish unrest,
Filling with joy my anxious breast,
And with mysterious potency
Make nature's hidden powers around me, manifest?

Am I a god? Light grows this page--
In these pure lines my eye can see
Creative nature spread in front of me.
But now I grasp the meaning of the sage:
"The realm of spirits is not far away;
Your mind is closed, your heart is dead.
Rise student, bathe without dismay
In heaven's dawn your mortal head."


All weaves itself into the whole,
Each living in the other's soul.
How heaven's powers climb up and descend.
Passing the golden pails from hand top hand!
Bliss-scented they are winging
Through the sky and earth--their singing
Is ringing through the world.

FAUST, Goethe

Transpersonal Psychology is seeking to define and explore "mandalic science and education," as a sacred science.  According L. E. Thomas of the University of Connecticut:  "The tension that lies with any sacred science is the same as that faced by the mystic: in describing the mystical state it is necessary to split unitive experience into the phenomenological and culture.  Whatever unitive visions we are given or are able to attain, sacred inquiry must deal with this crucial tension.

 Phenomenology refers to the world as perceived by the individual.  In the post-modern, constructivist world, there is no assurance that there is an isomorphism (matching) between one's perception and objective Truth-out-there.  The way we create our phenomenal world is through the stories we tell, both to others who we are, and for ourselves to learn who we are.  The narrative reality that we create is the construction of our reality.

...Such extreme relativism touches on philosophical solipsism 'there is no reality out there beyond my perception.'  As exciting as this position may be, and perhaps needed to move beyond our encrusted practices and traditions, such an epistemological position does not make for viable community life...Culture represents the shared reality of a community.  Our narratives are not just soliloquies we recite to ourselves; they are created in dialogue with our fellow story-tellers.  If there is no community of others, we are limited to monologue; without dialogue, we literally don't know who we are.

 In terms of science, we need community confirmation of our stories, and our creation of meaning.  Science requires Popper's check of publicity, so it can be judged by the community of scientists as to its adequacy.  And for a MANDALIC SCIENCE, it is required that those who do the judging be adequate to this task...These parameters are also necessary for phenomenology, when it deals with the 'profane' level of science and education.  They apply equally to the area of the 'sacred' or 'mandalic' science.

For this sacred science, we would agree with the steps that  Reason (1993) has suggested for 'knowing:'  Experience, Representation, Understanding and Engagement.  Of these four phases, only the third, Understanding, depends primarily on our left brain, rational formulation.  The other three draw upon other reservoirs of knowing, from the intuitive to the ecstatic to the kinesthetic.

 It is with these other modes of knowing that we must grapple, as we seek to understand and transform human consciousness, through our research and education.  And even the cognitive mode of Understanding will require stretching, by means of paradox and non-linear formulation, if we are to do justice to the demands of a sacred science."


In SocioEconomic Synergism, A.  Nicholas Frank makes the importance of synergy and synergetics in understanding the Universe and Nature clearer.  Conceptual geometry explains the nature of reality (tetrahedral) and the relationships among parts.  Synergy is a holistic science.

 Synergy is the metaphysical self-organizing order and intelligence that resides in every part and particle of the Universe.  Synergy explains the powerful creative process that drives evolution.  It explains the reciprocating, working principle among components and how two parts or particles joining, can create the more--than the-sum-of-the-parts surplus and the emergence of qualitative gain.  Synergy also explains why natural selection favors systems with synergetic economy--doing the most with the least of resources.

The synergetic process provides a rational and logically understandable model by which the Universe was created from seemingly nothing, and evolved to its present complexity.  This model is reproducible in human affairs and we can use it for social transformation toward sustainable human habitation of our planet.

We can trace the roots of the influences shaping western civilization back to the Greek philosophers of more than two millenniums ago.  The atomists proposed that one has to deconstruct all things to find the indivisible building block in order to understand nature.  At the the opposite end, the holists believed that a system, indeed the universe, has to be understood as a whole, undivided, in order to preserve its holistic quality.

Western culture and science has embraced the atomistic view in near complete ignorance of the teachings of the holists.  Steeped in the atomistic mind-set, science and the modern world developed along the reductionist line highly specialized and deeply fragmented.

Nature on the other hand speaks the language of holism or synergism.  In the language of synergism every part and particle in the Universe is intelligent--it "knows" its atomistic structure as well as its emergent holistic quality.  This cosmic intelligence is what enables simple parts and particles to come together  in self-organization to build an evolving and complex Universe.

Science has discovered nearly all the parts and particles of the physical world.  We are nearly fluent in the language of reductionism, but we do not speak or understand synergism.  We are insufficiently prepared to manage our existence as complex living organisms dependent on a very complex life support system.

The only instrument that can possibly handle this job is our consciousness.  And the only tool we know that is capable of rational probing of both physical and conceptual/ metaphysical events is the synergetic tetrahedron.    Synergetic tetrahedron is an instrument of rational exploration. The synergy code is carried by the physical laws of Nature.

Infinities are self-contradicting, and not natural.  Nature has limits and boundaries in all aspects, physical and conceptual (metaphysical).  Smallness, largeness, speed, space, time, and everything else has limits.

The cosmic building code, on the other hand, is uniform and unchanging.  It is tetrahedronal in its conceptual geometry, and while it is able to organize matter, it is metaphysical in essence.  The cosmic building code is the synergy code which operates in the physical and metaphysical dimensions.  It is a metaphysical wave with reciprocity potential.

The physical world is organized by an order which, by the virtue of its orderliness, is intelligent.  Ordered intelligence is a force since it is capable of organizing matter.  If it is a force, but not physical, it must function in a metaphysical dimension of its own.

Read this book forward and backward.  Like a hologram, all of it is contained within each part, but expressed from a slightly different point of view.  The high level of redundancy is required for efficient information transfer -- higher signal to noise ratio.

A picture produced by holography cannot be divided.  If it is divided, it jumps back to form the full picture.  Divisions or (detail sections) cannot be produced.  Even a smaller format shows the whole, more or less brilliantly.

Holotomic Sequence

Diagram of 'Holotomic Sequence
   Robert Marshall, Copyright  1987

: Robert Marshall, Master Numeronomist: Iona Miller

Under Synergetic Construction...

Created 7/10/99
Last Updated 4/7/01

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