kjahdfoi 's Home Page

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Come in and fly with the angels

~Angels are the guardians of hope ,and wonder, the keepers of magic,and dreams. Where ever there is love,an angel is flying by.Your guardian angel knows you inside and out,and loves you just the way you are.~

~Angels are with you every step of the way and you soar with amazing grace. After all we are all angels in traing. all we have to do is spread our wings and fly~.

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Adopt and angel
Little angels in heaven page
The story of rebecca
If you like angels go here
Send someone some love
Angel Winks Musical cards

~Friendship Links~

Friendship Page
Dianes Friendship page

This is an angel for a dear friends loss of her baby a week ago. In memory of dear Megan. *S*

~My adopted angels~

Jenna Marie Megan Tammy Lynn

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Page last updated August 29,1998, If you notice a broken link, Please notify me and let me know, thanks alot, *S*

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