Xbase Viewer Applet Description

NB Software

 This is a simple database viewer Applet that loads from the server a database file.
 The Applet consists of 5 class-files :

 All these class-files are packed in the file Nxbase.jar (9 Kbytes)  

 The applet shows a header with the characteristics of the datafile, such as name of the file, 
 version, date of the last modification, number of records, number of fields, and size of 
 the file.   In the central zone  the data are presented in lines format.  
 In the bottom of the applet a status bar presents the messages of the loading process and 
 the possible errors.

 Applet's Characteristics:

 -To avoid long time of loading, the maximum size of the datafile  is limited to 64 kb.  
 -The maximun number of fields is limited to  24
 -The Applet window is resizable by the parameters "an" and "al"  
 -A  sample  database is included, to try the applet's works. 
 -The name of the database file is one of the parameters of the Applet. This file should 
  be placed in the same directory of the server with the webpage that contains the applet. 
 -This file must be ".dbf" extension.
 -You can't write into the database 

 Please this is a beta version, so report me any malfunction. Thanks.


Source Code