Last Updated: 07/26/98


This gift was made for me by my son:

Marias_Graphics.jpg (27895 bytes)

This gift was made for me by George Crofton.  His site is great and informative!  The graphics and pictures are so realistic (just look at this!):



                joiner.gif (25030 bytes)


 The groundhog was a gift from Winnie at K&W Graphics for signing her birthday page.  And this was my first award for my December 1997 Christmas page awarded by K&W Graphics (I had no idea that I would start creating graphics!):

groundhog.gif (1687 bytes)             Amaria.gif (2453 bytes) 


I got this gift for signing Becki's Guestbook!  And this is my second award for my Valentine 1998 page:

         gbicon.gif (3910 bytes)         parisval.jpg (7976 bytes)


      The links for all these pages are on "My Favorite Links Pages"

      Return to my Home Page:      ria7.gif (1497 bytes)


     Or go to my free graphics menu:

            24.gif (6136 bytes)


      Return to our host at:              geo-rwb1.gif (1660 bytes)

