Last Updated: 9/15/01

          Believe.gif (3370 bytes)

       George Crofton's Patriotic Webpages (no longer a link but like the graphic):

       freedom.gif (49082 bytes)




       My favorite Prayers Pages (Irish Blessing, The Jelly Bean Prayer, &  more):

       cross.jpg (1729 bytes)


Tell your Dad you love him before it's too late! (even though he knows)
Here's a page I've dedicated to mine:

dad3.gif (3214 bytes)


My adopted angel, Victor, named after my dad:


Did you know many people go without heat and/or electricity because they can't aford it?  I know because I went without when I was a child. Share your utilities through the Salvation Army's Heatshare (Minnegasco) and now NSP has an electricity share program.  Even just $2 or $5 dollars a month added to your bill will help those who need it.


Did you know many people die every day from drunk drivers?  Another cause I support is MADD (and SADD).   I have one of these ribbons on my car too!

Madd still goes somewhere on the site, so I am leaving the link:

madd-btn2.jpg (3042 bytes)


My thoughts and prayers are with the families and friends of the victims at The World Trade Center,
The Pentagon, and the innocent people flying aboard the hijacked aircrafts. May God be with you.

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       Return to my homepage or sign my guestbook:


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       geo-dsy1.gif (2506 bytes)



***Some graphics on this page created by Maria @ Maria's Graphics copyright 1998-2002 (3/2002) - See Credits/Links***