Last updated:  12/13/98
Just Designs: Page 1 of 1

      Graphics loading (slow zone!):  One of the nicest things I noticed while cruising the web,  is the generosity of the members!  These graphics are made using image composer, adobe photoshop, and shrunk with gif wizard.   To take one of the logos above or any of the graphics below, right click on the one you want with your mouse, and save picture as.  If you take any of my buttons, or want a personalized one,  please take one of my logo's and link it to my home page using (if not sure how to do this, you type: <*a href=""><*img src="ria3.gif"><*/a> deleting all the "*" Thanks!

ria3.gif (3281 bytes)        ria-7gr.gif (1810 bytes)


To take one of the logos above or any of the graphics below, right click on the one you want with your mouse, and save picture as.  If you want one that has not been shrunk (usually double size and slower loading) just let me know.

desgn5sm.jpg (5029 bytes)      desgn4sm.jpg (4876 bytes)      desgn3sm.jpg (6473 bytes)     desgn1sm.jpg (4774 bytes)      desgn-smcat.jpg (3684 bytes)



 design17p.jpg (2724 bytes)     design18p.jpg (2709 bytes)     design14j.jpg (3311 bytes)    design15j.jpg (2955 bytes)   design16p.jpg (3000 bytes)



desgn10sm.jpg (3941 bytes)     desgn9sm.jpg (4944 bytes)      desgn7sm.jpg (5376 bytes)  design13j.jpg (4167 bytes)    desgn6sm.jpg (4360 bytes)     desgn8sm.jpg (4709 bytes)



Return to my Home Page: [ria7.gif (1497 bytes)]

back.jpg (2308 bytes)

To the Free Graphics Menu

Next.jpg (2179 bytes)

Just Graphics

Get Your FREE HomePage (or return to GeoCities below)

geocty-dsy.jpg (2382 bytes)]


***All graphics on this page created by Maria @ Maria's Graphics copyright 1998-2001 (9/98)***