Memories of my:

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Wrinkling his nose, snapping his fingers, moving his head back & forth,
singing over and over "Fire..., Fire..., Fire..." 
I think he was making fun of my music.

Getting to dance the polka with him, and especially if I was first.

Walking in a room as he's telling someone how good you are.

His smile, his laughter, his sadness, & even his tears.

Listening to Italian music, or to him singing Italian music
or Sunday morning with "The Gaylord's"

Teaching me how to make spaghetti sauce and ravioli.

His love, his humor, & especially his smile.

the fun times, the sad times, the "I was bad" times.

shaking his fist at you when you were bad!

making you change when he didn't like what you had on.

Clap your hands to cover up his fart. (or not!)

Getting a ride to work but mostly just being with him.

Stopping over on my lunchbreak to see him when I was older.

His love for my children, his smile for my children.

I love you,  I miss you,  I wish I would have told you this over and over again.
I wish I could tell you now.


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My father left us on 9/1/92 to join his parents, his brothers & sisters, his daughter, and friends in heaven. 5/98

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Chicken or Ducky Song