calnd.gif (2108 bytes)                    Ode to a calendar

   The New Year was about to begin.  I began to think of a way in which I could rescue myself from the trash can.  All year they had left me alone, except one a month when she would flip a page of mine over.

  Maybe if I had a sparkle of some kind, she would let me stay.  Maybe one of her children might plead and beg until she would let the child keep me.

  I was covered with pictures of dogs, cats, birds, and even flowers.  Maybe the lady was interested in plants or animals and would keep me?  But as I remember she dreads the sight of them; when Tommy brought a stray dog home, she threw a fit.  There’s another idea down the drain!

   I suppose the best thing I can do is hope and pray in silence.  As the hour ended and a small figure came toward me, advancing slowly, step-by-step, I was shaking with fright.  She crept toward me, yanked me off the wall, tore me to shreds, and threw me into the trash can.

by Maria Molinaro  (written and published May 1965-GEM'S)

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