Last Updated:   11/20/04

Word Art-Page 1 of 5

      Graphics loading (slow zone!):  One of the nicest things I noticed while cruising the web,  is the generosity of the members!  So I decided to give a little back too, and here are some of the word-art graphics that  I have designed.  If you'd like a personalized word-art  for your personal home page,  just send me an e-mail telling me what you'd like & I'll see what I can do.   If you take any of my graphics, or want a personalized one,  I'd appreciate a link to my home page if you found something you liked. Thanks!

ria3.gif (3281 bytes)   ria-7gr.gif (1810 bytes)

To take one of the word-art graphics, right click on the one you want with your mouse, and save picture as.
Word-Art on Page 1 - made with Image Composer
Word-Art on Page 2 - made with Fireworks
Word-Art on Page 3 - made with Fireworks, Adobe Photoshop
Word-Art on Page 4 - made with Adobe Photoshop
Cube-Art on Page 5
- made with Image Composer, Adobe Photoshop



welc-sd1.gif (3561 bytes)                          welc-sd2.gif (3679 bytes)                           welc-sd3.gif (4061 bytes)


  hi.gif (1099 bytes)      bw-hello.gif (2386 bytes)               hi2.gif (873 bytes)

welchm8.gif (3622 bytes)             wlc-slt2.gif (2084 bytes)

wlcm-blnk.gif (4031 bytes)         welchp-cblt.gif (5650 bytes)             bw-welcome.gif (1928 bytes)



   welc-hp.gif (2186 bytes)                  welc-pud.gif (2110 bytes)


        howdy.gif (2102 bytes)            cm-agn.gif (2872 bytes)     


howdy2.gif (1643 bytes)              pcm-agn.gif (2897 bytes)


12.gif (2688 bytes)         thnks1agan.gif (2617 bytes) 


welcome-2.jpg (2146 bytes)   welcome-14.jpg (1901 bytes)

          welcm1blnk.gif (1691 bytes)     welcm33.gif (2904 bytes)


 wlc-grn.jpg (3978 bytes)        wlc-gry.jpg (3581 bytes)


                  blk-mh.gif (4705 bytes)                xmas9.gif (3313 bytes)                   

ani-welcom1.gif (7829 bytes)  

wlcme.gif (3229 bytes) 

   xmas-ny.gif (2198 bytes)     

xmas-hap.gif (2956 bytes)     





Return to my Home Page: [ria7.gif (2118 bytes)]

back.jpg (2308 bytes)

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Next.jpg (2179 bytes)

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[ geo-hrtbtn.jpg (3420 bytes)]


***All graphics on this page created by Maria @ Maria's Graphics copyright 1998-2004 (1/98)***