The Starflight I Resource

(a Division of Rainbeau Chasers, Inc.)

Hello there. This page is dedicated the Starflight I, the Sega Genesis Version by Electronic Arts.

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Remember, if you don't see it here, mail us and tell us what you'd like. Chances are, we have it already and just haven't put it up.

Here's a nice, concise list of what we have to offer here.

Sega Starflight STUFF!!

Remember. If what you're looking for is the COMPUTER game version, please refer to the site listed at the bottom of the page. Thanks!
Good luck, Captain!



These and other artifacts are also in the master Artifact list. Speaking of which...


This may be an incomplete list.



The point of the game is, of course, to stop the solar flares. To do this, you must stop what's causing the suns to flare. The Crystal Planet is the source of the flares. In case you hadn't noticed, it's made out of solid Endurium, the material we use for fuel. Do you remember in the Minstrel song when it refers to "the crystal ones"? And have you ever noticed how you almost always find Endurium at Ancient sites? Well, here's a bit of news. The Ancients are Endurium. That's right, folks, the most revered and advanced species in the universe is being used for gas. Naturally, they sort of object to being wiped out just because they make good petroleum, and so they've been making the suns flare, hoping to wipe out the races that feed off of them for combustion purposes. Sure, it's unfair to them, but hey, it gets you where you're going, right? Wipe 'em out before they get you.


To win the game, you must accomplish the following:
  • Collect the necessary artifacts.
  • Orbit the Crystal Planet using the Crystal Orb.
  • Pinpoint and land on the nexus using the Crystal Cone.
  • Drop the Black Egg on the Nexus.
  • Get the hell off the planet.
  • Watch the nifty end sequence.
    And that's all!



    For all of you who've been asking me where to get Starflight...

    Thanks for dropping by!:) There's more on its way!


    Through the windless night we sail
    To watch the timeless dance unfold.
    Out of joy we share the tale
    To any who would have it told.

    Time, it seems, doesn't flow...
    For some it's fast, for others slow.
    In what to one race is no time at all
    Another race may rise and fall.

    The virus spread like burning fire...
    The sea of dread rose higher and higher.
    The crystal ones had to fight
    By causing suns to ignite.
    ...self defense. It is their right.

    Back when all the stars were young,
    Before the Minstrel songs were sung,
    When this galaxy was new
    There came from far the crystal few.
    Gradually they spread through space.
    They were the first...the only race.

    And harder still to recognize
    That which lies before one's eyes.
    So many races have believed
    In only what was preconceived.
    That which is ancient may be new...
    It all depends on point of view.

    From inward out the races flee
    Searching for a place to hide...
    Ever in a wave of war
    And on the crest the strongest ride.

    We are the watchers of the dance.
    Many wonder at us...
    But how could there not be an audience
    For the greatest of all comedies?

    -Starflight I