Need a counter?
Not satisfied with the public counter?
HTML is still an obscure language to you?
Maybe you think that an applet is a fruit, perl is a jewel and cgi-bin is a Chinese dish?
Anxious to show to your friends how successful your homepage is?
If so..
The only limit is fantasy
You've seen those counters around, they're not very fancy, are they?
From now, you can find the counter of your dreams at this site.
But, seriously, do you really care for the number of visitors at your website? Well, unless you see things with..
.. sense of business
Congratulations, you've read so far, and now you are ready to discover the business of the year.
All you have to do is to put on your page a Fake Counter®© with an enormous number of hits, then you phone the boss of your favorite multinational and you tell him: "Hi, Uncle Scrooge, would you like to log in my homepage? Seen how many zillion people I have on my counter? Now, I'm willing to give you an ad space for the ridiculous sum of $1,000,000,000,000."
Nice, isn't it? (I don't know why I'm suggesting you folks this wonderful idea, I might have kept it for myself).
P.S.: For you, who lack sense of humour: yes, this is immoral and illegal, but on the Net we're free, right?
Huh, terrific, but.. how much doe$ it co$t?
Now you'll expect me to ask you a lot of money to provide a Fake Counter®©. You're wrong, it's free!
Once upon a time I made counters on order; alas, those happy times are over. I am too busy to cope with all the requests I get. But you can still do three things:
Comments and Suggestions
Thanx to
Free thinker
Geocities' Free WebPages!!
The Fake Counter®©
was created by
Molecular Geneticist