The people of Kashmir have been fighting for independence for the last fifty years. They are being butchered by the 700,000 Indian soldiers stationed there. Still the Kashmiris have not given up. The UN resolutions on Kashmir have yet to be implemented.
As in the words of Dr. Martin Luther King, winner of Nobel Peace Prize, "The ultimate tragedy is not the oppression and cruelty by the bad people but the silence over that by the good people".
This page does not condone the small minority of militants who have gone haywire in their quest, who cause grief to the civilians, be it Muslims, Hindus, or Sikhs. The struggle in Kashmir is against armed occupation by the Indian army. It is a struggle for the basic rights of freedom and democracy we all desire as human beings. In my opinion, a freedom struggle cannot last this long without the wishes of the people of Kashmir. If the Kashmiris on the other side of the border are joining the struggle, i wouldn't call it foreign meddling. The only solution to the problem of Kashmir is self determination by the people of Kashmir to decide their future, whether they want to stay with India, merge with Pakistan or create their own independent Kashmir. I feel that the only option that maybe acceptable to all sides is a free Kashmir, else neither country would ever back down in fear of an internal political backlash. Lets free Kashmir and end the bloodshed. A large majority of educated Kashmiris, Indians, and Pakistanis would agree with this, else we will just go deeper and deeper into the cycle of bloodshed.
The purpose of this page is not india bashing. Nor does it support the pakistani stance. The sole purpose of this page is to highlight the struggle of the people of Kashmir for freedom. The people of india and pakistan are peace loving. However, we cannot bury our heads in the sand and ignore the human rights violations. We cannot keep silent over the policies of the indian government with regards to Kashmir. We cannot ignore the killing of Kashmiri youth, we cannot sit silent while the genocide continues, we cannot watch while the kashmiri youth become orphans, we cannot watch the daily abuse of the kashmiris. The people of Kashmir deserve the right to decide their own destiny, to build their land, to work freely for a living, to practice their religion, to educate their youth, and to live a life without fear, without humiliation, without unlawful incarceration, without daily bloodshed, without daily searches, without discrimination.
Lets stop thinking of Kashmir as an issue of pride for india or pakistan. Kashmir was never a part of india nor pakistan, it has always been illegaly occupied by both since the UN resolutions ask for a plebicite. Lets stop kidding ourselves, this is not a for india or for pakistan issue, its about the people of Kashmir and their desires. Once we come to that realization, we can take a step in solving the issue.
Sad Picture: No light, but rather darkness visible Served only to discover sights of woe, Regions of sorrow, doleful shades, where peace And rest can never dwell, hope never comes That comes to all, but torture without end Still urges, and a fiery deluge, fed With ever-burning sulphur unconsumed Paradise Lost (Book I) by John Milton
Places of worship have been destroyed by the indian army while flushing out freedom fighters in Kashmir Pictures of the trajedy in Chrar Sharif Shrine : Before and after. Hazratbal Shrine before the trajedy Pictures of the victims of Indian Genocide War Crimes in Indian held Kashmir India perfected in third degree torture techniques Soldiers herd Kashmiris to polls : CNNs report on the recent elections in Kashmir US State Dept. Report on Kashmir