If you know (some of) the colour genes of your breeding gerbils, the Gerbil Genetics Calculator calculates the colour ratios of the offspring for you.
on your system. It is very likely that this file already is on your hard disk. If not, Setup.exe will display an error message. You can then find it on the Internet using http://ftpsearch.ntnu.no/
For example, I found a copy at ftp://chproducts.com/pub/MFC40.DLL
You should then copy the DLL you want to use to your SYSTEM (or SYSTEM32) directory, e. g.: C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\
The advantage of using a shared DLL is, that the program file is much smaller (about 1 MB less) than a stand alone version, and you save download time and disk space.
If you can't see some files or file extensions on your system, the reason may be found in your Windows System settings, which are accessible via the "Start" menu in the task bar.