The Sega Saturn Was the First of the 32/64 Bit systems released. The system was released with a suprise early release that was supposed to give them a head start on Sony, however all Sega managed to do was anger the 3rd party developers who wanted to have their games out at the time of the systems launch and the smaller retailers that were left out of the early launch. The Saturn was a very capable system that in America never gained the support it deserved. The release of the Netlink made the saturn the only system with web access and access to online gaming at the time. However even Sega's 1st party support for the system was lacking, and the release of a new system from Sega (Dreamcast) to replace the Saturn in 1999 sent this system on it's way to the videogame graveyard. Oddly enough the Saturn is still a fairly popular system system in Japan.


Sega USA Site

Sega Saturn Page


The Sony Playstation was the leader of the first 32/64 bit wars. The Playstation had the largest library of games of all the it's generation of systems as well as the most 3rd party support. However many of the games were of lesser quality than the competition and there has been talk of the Playstation overheating and locking up during long term gameplay. Sony has released a newer version of the Playstation that quietly addressed the overheating problem. During the development of the PS2 Sony was able to design a much more compact version of the Playstation that sold quite well.


Sony USA Official PlayStation Page

Sony Europe Playstation Page

Absolute Playstation International Weekly

PlayStation Gamer

PlayStation Galleria



There was no question that the Nintendo 64 was the most powerful of the first generation 32/64 bit systems, however it also had a big downfall, being as it was a cartridge based system made manufacturing games for the system more costly than making games for the competing cd based systems (Nintendo 64 cartridges supposedly costed $25 to $35 to manufacture, while cd's costed only $1.50 to manufacture). However the N64 had a big following and quite a few very good games. .


Nintendo's Site


Sir Phil


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