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WinCEbiz Top 5 Accessories for the PPC

Here is a list of the Top Five accessories that I have used with my color Palm-size PC. As more accessories become available and I use them, if they are worthy I will add them to this list. The accessories I have selected and the comments I have made about them are totally subjective.

The Top 5 as they stand at this time...

#1 AccessoryRating
PDA Survival Kit
Concept Kitchen
star starstar star star
Since I use my device almost all the time these days and in all sorts of places ranging from my office to the back of taxi cabs, its hitherto pristine color screen gets dirty very easily. So that I can properly protect it and clean it when necessary, I've purchased the PDA Survival Kit from Concept Kitchen. The PDA Survival Kit brings together four of Concept Kitchen's most popular accessories into one convenient package, including 12 WriteRights screen protectors, 12 Brain Wash cleaning solution kits, two Karma Cloths, & one FingerTip Stylus. This is an essential accessory for any color Palm-size PC user!

Home Page:
Price: US$49.95

#2 AccessoryRating
Pretec 56.6 Kbps CompactModem


starstar star star
Unfortunately none of the color Palm-size PCs some with a fax/modem as standard (though Casio does offer ones as an option) so if you want to read email or browse the web with your device you'll have to buy the Pretec CompactModem. Despite being a little bulky, the CompactModem is easy to install, delivers excellent performance, and comes with a handy PC Card adapter so that you can also use it on your notebook or Handheld. My only complaint about this baby is that, at US$169, it isn't cheap!

Home Page:
Price: US$169

#3 AccessoryRating
Pretec CompactFlash Memory Card


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A CompactFlash memory card is essential if you want to listen to MP3 audio or Audible audio book files on your color Palm-size PC. I also use it to store all the data and settings of my color Palm-size PC using the CompactFlash Backup and Restore utility on my device. Very useful if my Palm-size PC should ever crash - though it hasn't yet!

Home Page:
Price: US$105

#4 AccessoryRating
Spare Battery

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Although the battery life on my color Palm-size PC is pretty good (around eight hours per charge), I like to carry a spare just in case, particularly when I am on the road. Some color Palm-size PC vendors also offer extended life batteries if you need to be ultra-safe. But they aren't cheap.

Price: approximately US$59.95

#5 AccessoryRating

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I use my headphones to listen to music and audio book files when I'm in a taxi or an a plane, and even though they don't deliver stereo output their performance is great to my uncultured ear. When buying earphones, you need to make sure they are the right jack size; mine are 2.5mm whereas most walkmans use a 3.5mm jack.

Price: approximately US$6.99

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