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21,993 bytesThis is me in my Beavercreek High School Marching Band uniform before our stand-still concert for the Hard Rock Cafe in Nashville, TN in front of our 65-foot Semi (The Band Truck).

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I am a 15 years old. I celebrate my birthday on September 30. I am now attending Beavercreek High School and am now in my Sophomore year.

What (do I do):

I enjoy baseball, music (both writing and playing), computers, friends, acting, and the web.


I live in Beavercreek, Ohio (that's next to Dayton). I attend Beavercreek High School, and am in my Sophomore year. I am in the Beavercreek High School Maraching Band.


My first computer: 5 years old. It was a DM5. We're talking dinosaur here. Marching Band(My home away from home) last summer(the '96 Season), this last season we are played the music of Carlos Santana. If you can, stop by next season and catch a halftime show or come to one of out nation-wide competitions. If you would like dates and times, please e-mail me at


Because it's fun and I can!


With a Micro Direct Pentium II w/ MMX @ 266Mz, 64M SDRAM, 6.427G hard drive, 56k Modem connection through Infinet, my free homepage from GeoCities, and the most wonderful HTML book in the world: How to Use HTML3 by Scott Arpajian (this is really wonderful, it's helped me more than words can say!)

Some of What I Believe In:

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To the Main Gate
To the Foyer

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