Tag | Description | Attributes | Support Limited To |
<ADDRESS>...</ADDRESS> | The enclosed text is defined as specific address information, and is often used to indicate such information as e-mail address, signarute, or authorship of the document. The <ADDRESS> information usually appears at the very top or bottom of the HTML document. Most browsers display <ADDRESS> information in italics. The address element implies a paragraph break before and after. | ||
<BLOCKQUOTE>...</BLOCKQUOTE> | Used to mark a section (block) of text as a quote from another source. <BLOCKQUOTE> text is indented and spaced apart from the current paragraph by most browsers. | ||
<BR> | Inserts a line break at a specific point in the document. The </BR> tag is optional, but can be used for neatness sake. | ||
<CENTER>...</CENTER> | Everything between these tags is centered in the document. This tag is recommended instead of the <ALIGN=CENTER>...</ALIGN>, even though that is "proper" HTML. | Netscape | |
<H1>...</H1> | Creates a headline. The number following the H can have a value from 1 to 6, with 1 creating the largest headline. | ALIGN=... | |
<HR> | Places a horizontal rule across the document. The </HR> is not necessary, but can be used for neatness sake. | NOSHADE SIZE=... WIDTH=... | |
<MARQUEE>...</MARQUEE> | Inserts a scrolling text marquee in the document. | BEHAVIOR=... BGCOLOR=... DIRECTION... HEIGHT=... LOOP=... SCROLLAMOUNT=... SCROLLDELAY=... WIDTH=... | Internet Explorer |
<PGT; | Places a paragraph inside the document. The closing </P> tag is not necessary, but can be used for neatness sake/ | ALIGN=... ID="..." | |
<PRE>...</PRE> | The enclosed text is preformatted. It is displayed in a monospaced font exactly as it appears in the HTML source code. |
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