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Tip #1: How to create a basic button.

tip4.jpg (14075 bytes)
Step # 1: Goto File -> New.  Then, when the dialog box appears, enter 100 for width, and 100 for height, (make sure the measurements are set for pixels).  Then fill the images area with a color of your choice.

tip1.jpg (2724 bytes)

Step # 2: Select the Marquee Tool, as shown to the left.

marquee.gif (135 bytes)

Step # 3: Drag horizontally across the images area while holding the shift key, to form a perfect circle.  Then fill the circle with a lighter color than the background.
tip2.jpg (7386 bytes)
Step # 4: While the circle is still selected, goto Select -> Modify -> Contract (choose 3 or 4). Then select an even lighter color than before, and fill the contracted image. tip3.jpg (8763 bytes)
Step # 5: If you choose, you can add text to the image.   Just goto the text tool, type the text, and select the right font and size. tip4.jpg (14075 bytes)

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