-02/27/01:Alright, i'm changing one of the 'sides' of my website. Majorly. I'll tell you when it's all up and running through the updates. But /please/ don't ask for any adoptions or what have you in the meantime, and don't complain about this or that. I've got classwork and artwork to do, and this is a third priority. Thanks for understanding, and remember that the new stuff shall come up, better than ever!
-06/01/00:Wow! An update! Just added a few nifty things here and there, like some adopted pets, and Fryn's page is finally up. Yay! And for everyone in my area of the world, happy fourth of july! Yeehah!
-03/22/00:ANYONE who e-mailed me to adopt one of the animals at my adoption site between 03/18/00 to 03/22/00 MUST send the form in again if they want one. Do the same things as you did the first time, everything is updated in that area. The problem was that Hotmail complained I wasn't taking their cookies (even though I did), so I had to change the address.
-03/18/00: This page is finally up! Woo-Hoo! It's still oviously under construction, though. Please report dead links here with 'Link Error' in the subject. Thanks.
-EverWorld, Fear The Fantastic