<BGSOUND src="//www.oocities.org/snortbru/acheybreakyheart.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
Our mom is new at this homepage idea of ours.. Some photos may not be at their best.  We are trying to help mom in every way that we can.  Our paws just do not want to cooperate.  Hope you enjoy our photo album.  We hope to get mom to update it often.  Not too sure if we want to continue to add to the page or remove some and add new ones..Open to suggestions from you viewers...
Getting ready for mom & dad to take me home. I sure can't fit in that basket now!
My Friend Rufus.  He was my Body Guard.  MAN, was he big!!
Can see it that well; but I really had babies in there!
Mom says Smoking is not for dogs
I like this better than the Doggie Paddle
Our favorite past time; sharing our bed with our human dad.
Bruzer just loves his doggie bed
Begging for a Snack
New Photos
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