O Little ones
Let me Show you the Future

I have shown you the past and the present, soon this will be your future. I told you that you were only inches away from disaster, sadly I must now tell you that you are only millimeters away.

Your beautiful home will soon rebel against all the toxins in her air and ground and begin to meltdown. The results of the safety valves now opening are already beginning to be felt around the world, and soon all that will remain is this........

We have successfully placed our Armada of Starships in orbit around space stations Alpha and Gamma and we will start our retrieval of all you little ones.These will then shuttle you to our Interuniverse Starship poised to take you on your new journey. Do not be afraid for we will hold your hands and you will now begin to enjoy the peace and tranquility and wonders of the rest of the Universes.

And so our Journey begins


All images copyright "Hawk" 1997. Pirate at your own risk !