Welcome to Pug-A-Rama! I said, 'Welcome to Pug-A-Rama!' Whaddaya reading this for?  Look at the pretty pictures!

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Unbeknownst to Spike and Tiggy, Caroline searches the net for another Pug. Where are you guys going? We're off to St. Louis to meet Panda!
We meet Panda and her rescuers.  Left to right: William, Panda, Caroline & Paul.
So you guys drove 6 hours just to get me, and now 6 hours back? And today is Doug's birthday, to boot? Wow, you guys are great!  Got any food?
Introductions all around. Great back yard! Great wall! I get it, we're Chinese.
Well, I like it so far... You get this stuff every day??? I love this place! I could get used to this.
So now what? You guys are so cool.  Zzzzz...
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Updated March 6th, 2000