Welcome to my Darkness

The darkness within the human soul
Eats away at all things~~~including itself
The glowing circle which encompasses the soul
Is marred by a dark, black and growing blot.
It feeds on pain, anger and fear
Until it outgrows that which created it

The Darkness comes~~~
It reaches up with a rotting claw
and steals my very breath
It reaches for my soul~~~
and I can do ...Nothing
It takes over.....

I am the Darkness...I am the Pain
I am the emptiness...and I am Alone.
Alone wihtin the bounds of Eternity
Bound to both Heaven and Hell
By a chain I forged
...Heavy about my neck.

I rest among the evil and the horrid
Fading into the background
Shades of grey~~~shades of Dark
Blending with the swirls of darkness
I cannot breathe~~~
~~~I cannot feel...

Welcome to my Darkness

By: Domina Nymph(akaChandra Tolmie)
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