"Steve" The first in my new series of charactures done with Fractal Design Expression. The inflatable (and often nekkid) Steven Lareau.
"Business Guy" This one is lackluster at best, but hey, you can't help but be cool in a kool-aid purple suit! I cranked this out at work a while back, working from a vintage stock photo.
"Mac" Banged out during my lunch-hour not to long ago. I was impressed by this quick little minimalistic doodle, which now, oddly enough, resides in my portfolio.
"Sunbathe" Totally inspired by Ty Wilson, one of my favorite fine artists. I am absolutely amazed by how he can show an entire figure and mood in just a few strokes of his brush. So here's my attempt.
"Espresso" This is the first thing I cranked out with Expression. I think it came out pretty neat. Maybe there's a Graphic Designer hiding somewhere inside me after all...
"Apple" Another Expression doodle, this came about while giving a lesson on the program to Rabo in #kptbryce. I think it came out kinda neat. I may finish it up sometime with some more fruit and a bowl most likely. We'll see. Depends on if I get the time...
"Holidays" Done as my submission for the KPT List's 1998 MetaCreations Christmas Card Collection. Don't touch, they're fer Santa!!