to my guestbook!
This is the
place to view all those accolades, contract offers, and, yes, complaints.
Received your package today. Mark & I sat next to the cozy fire and enjoyed a "read-'n laughfest". Your website offerings are powerful stuff. I laughed. And then I cried. Thanks. Keep Twisting!
Glad to see you're still harassing the good ol' boys, n' gals in the grove
Hey Cheryl, I didn't know you had a page until I logged on to your Dad's. I'll keep looking, this looks funny so far. Hope all's well.
hmmm where are those drugs I use?
Use your telepathical powers and just sense I have a question to ask.
If you are really good, you'll already know the question and just send
back an answer.
Ha Hi
Cheryl, you're the best ANITA
Warms my cockles. Cools my jets. Opens my sinuses. Good as it gets.
Lemon Twists make me wish I knew something about Lemon Grove. Alas, most
of the humor is lost on moi. Pearls before swine, I'm afraid. Please -
more Elvis. *It's true: Catholic school prepares you for any emergency
that might arise here in the 12th century.
I couldn't find your valentine's day story. Why isn't it highlighted
on your web page? huh? huh? Gotta go, girl.
Very nice Cheryl.
Joe Naiman - 01/04/99 16:05:30
My Email:jbncurrent@juno.com
First grade teacher's name: Mrs. Webb
Bank account balance: Probably less than yours
Like the moving dog - a bit time-consuming, but I'm sure you'll work
the bugs out. Congratulations on your web debut.
arner - 01/03/99 23:58:24
My URL:http://uniontrib.com
My Email:mark.arner@uniontrib.com
First grade teacher's name: Mrs. Schmidt
Bank account balance: I'm a lottery finalist...$31 million due
on 1/31/99
The lemon twist spinning thing was cool. But this web page is slow
to work. have to click it too many times to get to the prose. Happy New
Years, u award winning wordsmith!