Hoy Cole, Orb Ellis, Velma Swant...and cousins found...Glen, Gwen, and Ray....

Vessels - some are made of crystal, some are made of clay...and some are made of flesh and bone...mind meets heart, body meets soul...

Memories stored...sorted and sifted...time unfolds...

I take a length of elegant brocade...I pull the cross-threads away...one by one...I pull...I lay them over my knees...I think of my life...I am tearing away the bitter...in search of sweet...

I stop my hands from pulling...I look at the length of brocade...threads hang, the fabric as whole has been ruined...I have the sweet and I have the bitter...but, separated...there is no whole...

                            e.e. cummings writes -
                            i who have died am alive again today,
                            and this is the sun's birthday, this is the birth
                            day of life and love and wings; and of the gay
                            great happening illimitably earth
                            now the ears of my ears are awake and
                            now the eyes of my eyes are opened

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