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Barbara Durham's Fonts Studio

Calligraphy Fonts

These fonts look as if they were hand written with a quill pen or a brush.

Sample Calligraphy Fonts

Script Fonts

Scripts are generally based on handwritten calligraphy, pen and brush strokes. They are some of the most beautiful fonts available and tend to evoke an emotional response. Script fonts come in two different classifications. First is the Connecting or Flowing Script. There is also the Non-Connecting or Non-Flowing Script. Take care in choosing these fonts as they can be difficult to read. Avoid using them in all caps.

Connecting (Flowing) Script

Sample Connecting Script Fonts

Non-Connecting (Non-Flowing) Script

Sample Non-Connecting Script Fonts

Uncial Fonts

These fonts are adapted from the hand written letters of Irish scribes. They were widely used in Christian literature from the 5th to the 9th centuries. Uncial letter shapes were developed before the alphabet was divided into uppercase and lowercase letters. They convey a feeling of the Celtic Ages or the Middle Ages. Uncial fonts are decorative, but at the same time they are easy to read. These fonts combine very well with Oldstyle Roman text faces such as Bergamo, Galliard and Garamond.

Sample Uncial Fonts

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Contents of this Web Site including all graphics and text are the intellectual property of Barbara Durham
and protected by all international copyright laws and treaties. Only the images in the GIF Art Studio are
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Besides it is not nice to steal!

©1996 Barbara Durham - All rights reserved
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This Page Updated March 28, 1997

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