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Barbara Durham Photographics - Art Gallery


Fishing Silhouette Photograph

Fishing Silhouette
by Barbara Durham ©1996
All Rights Reserved


Cuyahoga Valley Wet Lands Photograph

Cuyahoga Valley Wetlands
by Barbara Durham ©1996
All Rights Reserved


Delicate Photograph

by Barbara Durham ©1996
All Rights Reserved


Fushia Photograph

by Barbara Durham ©1996
All Rights Reserved

Wild Violet Trio Photograph
Wild Violet Trio
by Barbara Durham ©1996
All Rights Reserved

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Contents of this Web Site including all graphics and text are the intellectual property of Barbara Durham
and protected by all international copyright laws and treaties. Only the images in the GIF Art Studio are
available for downloading and use. All other graphics and text are eyes only.
Besides it is not nice to steal!

©1997 Barbara Durham - All rights reserved
For information or comments e-mail

This Page Updated March 28, 1997

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