DJ Clawson's Fan Art Page!

Welcome to my fan art page! None of these pictures are above 40 Kbs or so, so I'm not going to bother with Kb listings. Enjoy! (Updated 3/20)

Art Related To My SWAT Kat Fan Fiction Series, "Children of the Stone"

  • Felina.jpg - Felina as a gargoyle (this one didn't come out too well...)
  • felina2.jpg - Felina tha kat
  • thoranc.jpg - Thoran, the leader of the clan, now in color
  • Lex.jpg - Chip -- well, actually, the "Gargoyles" character he's based on
  • Broadway - Not exactly Jumicus, but again the character he's based on
  • Warner.jpg - Rabbi Fritz Warner
  • Daffy.jpg - Cantor Kadaf Warner
  • katz.jpg - Rabbi Davis
  • sarahc.jpg- Sarah MacIsaac as an adult, now in color
  • Art Related To My SWAT Kat Fan Fiction Story, "The Watcher Files of Chance Furlong"

  • Jake.jpg - Jake the immortal, now in color
  • Chance.jpg - Chance the watcher, now in color
  • Art of my Role Playing Game Character

  • udog1.jpg - early drawings of Underdog (Jonathan Weissman), my Role-Playing Game character (ach! bad pic! bad pic!)
  • udogc.jpg - Underdog, again -- now in color!
  • udog4.jpg - Underdog, apparently pissed off and cleaning his glasses
  • highc.jpg - Jonathan, during one of his "experimental" periods, now in color
  • udogturn.jpg - Underdog, from behind
  • hidec.jpg - From a RPG. Jonathan does some snooping in Yasmine's castle, now in color
  • shoeshin.jpg - when he was younger
  • joncurl.jpg - in a very defensive and helpless state
  • jonsad.jpg - in a state of despair
  • jonwork.jpg - Jonathan in his work clothes for his Samurai Pizza Parlor pizza delivery job
  • jonkilt.jpg - he's not Scottish, but I felt compelled to draw this...
  • udog2.jpg - dressed for his future job after the RPG timeline, wearing the "Warner" colors (don't ask...)
  • underd.jpg - this is the way he was drawn by Underdog creator Joe Harris for the TV show
  • jontie.jpg - Jonathan doesn't like ties much. This is the "before" pic for his date with Dana, a RPG plotline.
  • jonmess.jpg - this is the "after" pic for the same RPG plotline. Go figure
  • jonbake2.jpg - New! Baking a pizza. An overhead sketch. Very rough
  • jonbkest.jpg - New! Making breakfast. Probably my best picture ever
  • jonjeans.jpg - New! Also a nice one. Just Jonathan. Nice pants
  • jonsamu.jpg - New! Jonathan the ronin. I was reading "Usagi Yojimbo" at the time ...
  • jonschiz.jpg - New! Jonathan the scizophrenic
  • jonwait.jpg - New! Jonathan the waitor
  • newudog.jpg - New! this one was copied from a comic book that came out in the mid-80's
  • udog7.jpg - New! Okay, this one is definitely my best drawing of him. As of 3/20
  • Art Related to the SWAT Kat Role Playing Game

  • group1.jpg - Jonathan, Jubei, and Abby go channel surfing
  • group2c.jpg - Kage, Jess, Underdog, Tabby, Strike, Bender, Wheels, and Klawz in a group pose
  • Udogkag1.gif - A scene from a RPG. It's Kage to the rescue, to save Jonathan from the evil cluthes of Dr. Leitch
  • Udogkag2.gif - Also from a RPG. Underdog drives while Mike consoles Jessica Maverick
  • Wedding.jpg - Abby only wishes this were from an actual RPG
  • Abby.jpg - New! Abby Furrson, our fearless leader. Now in color!
  • Kage.jpg - Michael K. McKatson, apparently not in the best of moods
  • Jessjon2.jpg - From a RPG. Jonathan consoles Jessica maverick after an unfortunate battle wound
  • vlad.jpg - Fellow RPGer Vladimir (this is a joke, Hackle...)
  • vlad2.jpg - New! Vladimir, drawn a little differently, but no more accurately according to his player...
  • benderc.jpg - RPGer Bender (Jeremy MacKatlitch) in Scotland
  • whelkatc.jpg - Wheels and Klawz get into the action, but Jonathan is in his pacifist mode...
  • jonkat.jpg - A scene from a RPG where Jonathan had too much coffee and Katareena got to close to him
  • katjon2.jpg - New! A scene from a discussion RPG. Jonathan's quite a homemaker, isn't he?
  • snarlwkc.jpg - New! A scene from a RPG where Jonathan lost his memory, and Snarl became too much of an influence
  • katz2.jpg -New! The best sketch I have of Jonathan's father, Garfield Katz
  • Art Related to Jonathan's various RPG love interests (He gets around for a little guy, doesn't he?)

  • dana.jpg - RPG love-interest-and-snooping-reporter Dana Daschund
  • danajon.jpg - a scene from a RPG. See the "before" and "after" pics in the Jonathan pic section above
  • polly.jpg - Polly Purebred, Jonathan's real love interest (not a good pic, sorry)
  • polly2.jpg - New! A better picture of her
  • jonpolly.jpg - New! Based on a RPG. Jonathan can't seem to keep the women away from him, now that he's seeing Tabby....
  • tabby.jpg - not a very good picture of Tabby Graham when she was still an enforcer
  • tabby2.jpg - New! A good picture of Tabby
  • tabby3.jpg - New! A quick sketch of Tabby, done a little differently
  • tabjonc.jpg - Tabby and Jonathan (yes, he's showing off a bit...)
  • tabjon2.jpg - From the RPG. No, it isn't his
  • tabjon4.jpg - New! Based on a RPG. Cute, aren't they?
  • tabjon5.jpg - New! Not exactly based on a RPG, but we all know it would happen...
  • Misc. Art

  • Warner2.jpg - another incarnation of the mysterious Fritz Warner
  • Daffy2.jpg - another incarnation of Kadaf
  • Macfarl.jpg - Dougal MacFarlane, a character who might appear much later in my fan fiction
  • lucas.jpg - The human vilthuril Lucas, in his vilthuril robes (who also has yet to appear in my fan fiction)
  • lucas2c.jpg - Lucas in his kilt of the Warner colors
  • lucas3.jpg - New! Lucas is a very militant character. I hope I get around to using him someday
  • Willy.jpg - New! Willy DuWitt from the cartoon series, "Bucky O'Hare and the Toad Wars." Drawn here a little older than than he was on the show.

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