You have placed a smile upon my face and a warm

Lindy's Awards  2001
Page 11


Thank you lovely lady Wanda!  YOU are the one who is special.  I highly recomend all FOUR of your wonderful sites!  I am truly blessed to call you
"You are Special.  And I want you to know it."
Love,  Wanda

I am overwhelmed with warm feelings.  Thank you SO much Ruth Ann.  *ss*                Your humble and loving heart shines in your pages Ruth Ann.  Thank you again.
"The Excellence Award is one that CANNOT be applied for and I only present it to
exceptional sites that I run across. Linking back to me is not necessary ......
I only want you to have these in appreciation of the tremendous love and hard work
you have put forth for the entire world to see. 
What you are presenting to people is so heartwarming and comforting."

Dear Ruth Ann,
Not to link these precious awards back to your own gorgeous and heart warming site would
rob the world of their "Moment of Memories".  I would never want that to happen.
Thank you Ruth Ann for sharing your gentle and humbleheart.  *Warmest Smiles*


Anna!   You are the sweetest of the sweet.  Thank you my friend.  *s*


Thank you to Anna and a thank you to Whisper Design for making this beautiful award.  *s*        Thank you is not enough...but
Anna is one of the most loving and caring women on God's earth today.

    Thank you Iron Mike.  Your site is a truly outstanding tribute to Veterns everywhere.  *s*
"Please accept my humble award for your truly outstanding efforts."
Welcome Home,
Iron Mike


This Award of Integirty transmits the highest honor ever bestowed upon Lindy's World.   Thank you Glynis.      Integrity. The bearer of true beauty.  Thank you Glynis.  *s*

"Your site is always so beautiful to browse through that I just had to tell you and send the Beauty Award.
You are being presented with the Award of Integrity because of your commitment to life and all that it holds for you. Your site reflects this and the passion for life that you hold in your heart. I do not promote this award on my site because I chose to give it to people who truly have integrity
and are not just performing it to get another award."
Wishing you serenity,

Imagine how loving kindness could change our world!

What an honor you bestow upon my world of feelings.  Thank you!                  Friendship and World Peace.  *s*
"CONGRATULATIONS!!! you are a kind and open-minded net-citizen and we would be honored if you would accept this symbol of  our cyber-friendship. - May the Tibetan dragon king (druk dru) and the Golden Buddha grant you continued creativity, wisdom, positive energy, insights and success. And may they act as powerful reminders to keep the spirit of kindness alive."
- With rainbows and light from the Emerald Isle, Hans & Thomas

Thank you once again for this years award!
"Congratulations you have won the "World Web Award of Excellence" again this year  2001.
Your site meets all of our qualifications that makes for a great site.
We enjoyed our visit with you, keep up the good work."
Sincerely,   Dan


You have placed a smile upon my face and joy in my heart!  Thank you so much!

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My heart is full of humble appreciation for these beautiful awards I have received.
My sincere thank you to each soul who has honored Lindy's World of Feelings.
*Soft Smile*


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{Awards 1)   {Awards 2}  {Awards 3}  {Millennium Award}  {Awards 4}  {Awards 5}
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{Awards 13}  {Awards 14}  {Awards 15}  {Awards 16}  {Awards 17}   {Awards 18}  Awards 19}  {Awards 20}

{My Web Rings} {Gifts I have received}   {Apply for my Awards} {Winners of   Awards}

Lindy's World of Feelings
Entrance Page

Page Design © Lindy Jo Jones
March 2001

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