Lindy's World awards 4

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Lindy's Awards  2000
Page 4



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Thank you



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A HUGE thank you to Val for this Award
and for the time and help you freely gave me with Paint Shop Pro!


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Thank you so much, Flo! 


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Your awards are so pretty



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Thank you Mary!



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Thank you Joe.  I will always remember.




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My heart is full of humble appreciation for these beautiful awards I have received.
My sincere thank you to each soul who has honored Lindy's World of Feelings.
*Soft Smile*


Lindy's World of Feelings
Entrance Page

Index Guide Page

{Awards 1)   {Awards 2}  {Awards 3}  {Millennium Award}  {Awards 4}  {Awards 5}
{Awards 6}  {Awards 7}  {Awards 8}   {Awards 9}  {Awards 10} {Awards 11}{Awards 12}

{My Web Rings} {Gifts I have received}   {Apply for my Awards} {Winners of   Awards}


Page Design © Lindy Jo Jones

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