Lindy World awards 7

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Lindy's Awards  2000
Page 7


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Thank you to a very dear and special friend...Spider Angel.  *hugs*


Pennies From Heaven
I found a penny today, just laying on the ground
But it's not just a penny, this little coin I've found

Found pennies come from heaven, that's what my Grandpa told me
He said angels toss them down. Oh, how I loved that story

He said when an angel misses you, they toss a penny down
Sometimes just to cheer you up, make a smile out of your frown

So don't pass by that penny when you're feeling blue
It may be a penny from heaven that an angel's tossed to you

Award by Spider Angel......poem by Kev

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Let Go Award from Carol ...(Spidey)                                                                        
                                                                                                             Thank you Spider Angel.   YOU are an angel in disguise.           



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Thank you so much Annie !                                                                          

                                                                                    Your site is inspiring and beatiful Annie.  *s*




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My heart is full of humble appreciation for these beautiful awards I have received.
My sincere thank you to each soul who has honored Lindy's World of Feelings.
*Soft Smile*


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{Awards 6}  {Awards 7}  {Awards 8}   {Awards 9}  {Awards 10} {Awards 11}{Awards 12}

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Page Design © Lindy Jo Jones
April 2000

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