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Lindy's Awards  2000
Page 9


You have touched my heart with your own
"This is from a painting of my own.
There are no other awards like this one and there will never be.
This is made special for you...from my heart to yours."



Don't miss this wonderful site!  Thank you again Wanda.
"To show my appreciation for our friendship."


Awh...Terry, what can I say except THANK YOU!
"I would like to present you with my award and I  hope
you'll accept it...sent from the heart, the heart of purple."



This Blue Rose Award is so very special.  Thank you.  Anna has a beautiful site which you won't want to miss!
"I absolutely LOVE you newest updates!"



Thank You Guitarman!  What a nice surprise!
"A much deserved award for your beautiful homepage!"


Thak you so very much Sharon!
"What a beautiful site you have!  You deserve this award."



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My heart is full of humble appreciation for these beautiful awards I have received.
My sincere thank you to each soul who has honored Lindy's World of Feelings.
*Soft Smile*


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Lindy's World of Feelings
Entrance Page

gldbox.gif (272 bytes)Index Guide Pagegldbox.gif (272 bytes)

{Awards 1)   {Awards 2}  {Awards 3}  {Millennium Award}  {Awards 4}  {Awards 5}
{Awards 6}  {Awards 7}  {Awards 8}   {Awards 9}  {Awards 10} {Awards 11}{Awards 12}

{My Web Rings} {Gifts I have received}   {Apply for my Awards} {Winners of   Awards}


Page Design © Lindy Jo Jones

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