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   Speak with a soft tongue                                                         Listen to the feather as it lightly touches ground

~Be Gentle~

Be gentle with one another
The cry comes out of the hurting heart of humanity.
It comes from the lives of those battered
With thoughtless words and brutal deeds;
It comes from the lips of those who speak them,
And the lives of those who do them.
Be gentle with one another. . .

Who of us can look inside another and know
What is there of hope and hurt, or promise and pain?
Who can know from what far places each has come
Or to what far places each may hope to go?

Our lives are like fragile eggs. . .
They are brittle. . .
They crack and the substance escapes. . .

Handle with Care!
Handle with exceeding, tender care, for there are
Human beings, there within.
Human beings, vulnerable as we are vulnerable;
Who feel as we feel,
Who hurt as we hurt.

Life is too transient to be cruel with one another.
It is too short for thoughtlessness.
Too brief for hurting.
Life is long enough for caring,
It is lasting enough for sharing,
Precious enough for Love.
Be gentle with one another.

~Author Unknown~


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I thank those who have freely given to me and helped me to spiritually grow.


I look back upon my youth and realize
how so many people gave me help,
understanding, courage – very important things to me
and they never knew it.
They entered into my life
and became powers within me.

All of us live spiritually by what others have given us,
often unwittingly, in the significant hours of our life.
At the time these significant hours may not even be perceived.
We may not recognize them until years later when we look
back, as one remembers some long-ago music
or a boyhood landscape.

We all owe to others much of the gentleness and wisdom
that we have made our own; and we may well ask ourselves
what will others owe to us.

~Albert Schweitzer~
(1875 – 1965)

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           The illusion that we are separate from one another is an optical delusion of our consciousness. ~Einstein~
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"Have a heart that never hardens,
and a temper that never tires,
and a touch that never hurts."
--Charles Dickens--

Thank you Sonja.  *s*

   * Picture:  Dani & DJ*

*Feather: Unknown*   

ENTER: Lindy's World of Feelings
September 4, 2001