Midi Control Eleusha Reborn
cocoonreborn with fragile wingsreborn with fragile wingsemerge

new me


I am reborn with fragile wings
With shimmering bright colors
Cocoon is broken
I've emerged
And now can't help but wonder

Who this new me
Is going to be
What she might bring about
What new paths that she might follow
What is in store for her tomorrow

When all the colors have emerged
The wings are full unfolded
The gentle breeze
Of morning's breath
Beneath the wings of Light
The multi-colored heart-shaped hues
Calling to her soul
Flying gently
Floating Strong
To this cold world
She still belongs

But she has found her wings at last
She flies away from all the past
Toward a future
Golden, bright
Always flying in the Light

To touch the souls of those who need
To rid mans' hearts of lust and greed
To perform the Work of God
To do her best when she is called
To warm Earth's blood
To warm Her soul
To realize
Her life's true goal

© Alice Bateman

Perfect Peace...Will of God

firefly4.gif (1925 bytes)                               Our thoughts are broadcasts of the soul...not secrets of the brain.                            firefly4.gif (1925 bytes)
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Kahlil Gibran


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She Walks in Beauty

To realize life's true goal.
Writer's Voice
"Eleusha" used with permission & thanks
Alice C. Bateman © 2000

Thank you Beverly

Thank you Geoff
Enter into Lindy's World of Feelings
June 14,  2001