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Spiral Steps

I have walked a path of freedom
Drawn my strength from lost horizons
Holding on through every season
Sometimes failing, always trying

Life's a ribbon stretching far
Through dark and sunlit patches
Spiral steps that lead to stars
To wanderlust, forever after

My heart shall sigh within each word
As prayers are sleeping sonnets
Denying passion, never learned
A string of notes on fallen clefts

Yes, I decorate my journey
From the struggles and the pain
With endless prose of beauty
Till my seasons burn again

Touch my feet to lighter air
Let my words be soothing wind
Know my dreams are hidden there
And my journey never ends

Poem © 2000
Kathleen Vibbert

If You Have A Dream

Don't wait for some distant day to come,
it may be too late before you've even begun.
Not everyone will agree with all you decide.
Be true to yourself first and foremost.

The only important thing in life is what you do
with the time you spend here on earth.
Don't be afraid to follow your desires,
they are not silly nor selfish.

Take the time and do what makes you feel alive.
Leave your fears and regrets in the past,
for this is where they belong.
Don't cloud today with things that can't be undone.

You have no more control over
yesterday or tomorrow,
than you do the raging of your passions.

Do not quiet these dreams nor quench your desires.
For if you do, your journey is ended.
You have only today to begin anew
and follow your dreams.

For in the end all we have are our memories.

When the twilight comes to us, let there be,

No excuses, no explanations, no regrets!

~ Author Unknown ~

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Page designed October 25, 2000

Spiral Steps © Used with permission and thanks
Kathleen Vibbert

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