A Fan Art Archive of pics from such shows as:
Dragon Ball Z
Sailor Moon
Coming Soon**
       X-Men Section
       Maybe a Poke'mon section. I don't really know about that stuff.
Check it out

Hi, I'm Silver. the creator of this page.
                 Anyways, what I do here is post up your fan art. All you have to do is e-mail your pic to me & give me the name, title, and show  it came from.  And I'll post it up on my page giving you full and total credit for your drawing.
               E-mail  'em to:
                If you're still confused, take a look at the rest of my page, or
e-mail me. I don't mind. Bon Apetite . . . =0)
          I'm coming up with a links page. Ya'll send me your banners and stuff. Just be sure it's of some relation to art, or the kind of anime stuff I got up. For example. I will put up banners for any pages that are like the sections I have here. Like, a Sailor Moon banner, or a DBZ banner. But most importantly I'll put up pics for art pages, story pages, and just anything like that.   K? If you have any questions e-mail me.         

To see mine and your very own pics from the Sailor Moon Series  just click on Sailor Moon -------->

To see mine and your very own pics from the
Dragon Ball Z Series just click Goku

Click the tiger to go to Silver's Picks Page. These are some of my favorite pics ya'll have sent in. Check it out to see if you made it in.------>

Click the ball to go to my new links page. And don't for get to send in your banners. ------->

Hey, click the globe to gain more knowledge about the legend that is Silver . . j/k. But click the globe to go to my info page.---->


Just a reminder:

I put up any and all art you want me to. This is a site dedicated to you artists that need a place to put your art. I'm partial to the anime/video game stuff. So try to send me that. But I won't say no if you send me in anything else . . just please . . none of that nude crud. Especially not self nude crud. Lord knows I don't need to see any of ya'll's tushes on my page. *shivers at the thought*

My site is ALWAYS under construction. I'm always getting new pics sent to me to add to my page, so I've always got some kind of work to do on it. So you'll see things like this every now and then.