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Stained Glass
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Upside Down Rainbow

Rainbow's Place

Rainbow's Welcome Welcome to my little corner on the world wide web! Have a look around and see how Colourful! my world really is!

Sheesh! Apart from the colourful background, I thought this place was pretty boring during its initial setup! That was because I had yet to inject my totally flambuoyant personality onto this site (which I have now done with the help of my very clever daughter who designed the background and all of the graphics -- so please don't take them!). THANKS PHWEETIE!

Did you know that I LOVE to sing? You can always find me singing along with the radio in my kitchen (and just about everywhere else too)! To see the kind of songs that I enjoy singing, click on the Midi button to your left.

I also enjoy writing poetry, a gift I feel I inherited from my maternal English grandmother, Mary Rice, who sent me a handwritten book of her poems when I was about eight years old. When I was twelve, I committed a 103 line poem to memory by singing it to myself. [Poetry and music....hmmm....there's a novel idea.] It is a beautiful yet tragic ballad about two young lovers. Wanna read it? Here's a link to Alfred Noyes The Highwayman. If you'd like to read some of my original poems, click on the Poetry button to your left.

Thank you visitor # for entering my life!

Site designed and maintained by:
Last updated: February 9, 2000.

Note: I had to change my guestbook because the Geocities Guestbook wasn't working. Please View My Old Guestbook.

This site is best viewed with:
Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0
With a resolution of 800 x 600.

This background was made for me by my daughter, Stephanie. She asked that this background remain only on this site so please do not take it. Thank you.

Pot of Gold at the end of the Rainbow
© 1999, 2000, Stephanie and Irene Billinger