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Marilyn Monroe's Missing Diary

We are associates of Amazon.com book store. If you click on the cover you see below it will put you right in their bookstore. Perhaps you had better bookmake this site for you will want to come back more times than now. There is still the matter of that red covered missing Marilyn Monroe diary that will be in the next few pages...

You've of course heard of urban legends. Perhaps this is one that has gone past when you were paying attention to something else. You know, like making a living or surfing the net elsewhere. Ok, this might have slipped through the cracks of your busy lifestyle.

Most people have heard that Marilyn Monroe died under rather suspicious circumstances. Some have even heard of the notorious diary that Marilyn was suppose to have kept that is missing. Some believe the FBI took it as a favor to the President and his brother and destroyed it. Of course Hoover hated those New England New Dealers, so I doubt that one. Some believe the housekeeper in league with her psychiatrist who immediately stole it to keep the public from knowing their part in the starlet's death. Could the Mafia have taken it as a favor for the "Chairman of the Board"? Or perhaps it was Peter Lawford who right up to his death would not discuss the night Marilyn died?

So what might be the last great quest of the Twentieth Century?
Could it be the Quester was given a dog-eared copy? Might it have been hidden away until forgotten? Perhaps it got tossed in the trash by a young relative. They could have inherited a roll-top desk and found it in a secret compartment. Maybe it was thought to be worthless junk. If a dog had overturned a garbage can and chewed for a time on the diary, the pages would be scattered and torn. The pages would be scrambled and most certainly out of order. Days and dates would be left out and pages were well mixed. That's probably the way it looked when someone might have sent it to the old Quester. It will be presented as received.

As a starry-eyed romantic, the Q submits the following scenario. Marilyn Monroe was not only kind and gentle but had a novel way of looking at her world. Every since she changed her hair color her sense of humor reared its lovely head and probably caused her to do strange and wondrous things. Could it be she collected dumb blonde jokes? Maybe that was what her diary was all about. In that case what might such a diary reveal?

Don't expect these pages to be anything near a diary of linear progression from young to middle age for the movie star. When pages are tossed up and mixed it doesn't work that way. (What a shaggy dog story that would be....)

Marilyn was a great admirer of Carl Sandburg. He had read from his work at Kennedy's inauguration and she related to both men. Interestingly enough both men related to her also, one more than the other. She loved his words:
"I am the people-the mob-the crowd-the mass.
Do you know that all the great work of the world is done through me?"

Throughout the late fifties and her short time in the sixties, Marilyn was conscious of the people, the mob, the crowd, and the mass. Montgomery Clift once said, "I have the same problem as Marilyn. We attract people the way honey does bees, but they're generally the wrong kind of people."

For Marilyn there were no "wrong" kind of people. One time she made the statement: "I knew I belonged to the public and to the world, not because I was talented or even beautiful, but because I had never belonged to anything or anyone else."

One time when someone asked about making herself a movie star she replied: "And I want to say that the people - if I am a star - they made me a star, no studio, no person, but the people did. Only the public can make a star. It's the studios who try to make a system out of it."

Marilyn also related warmly to the average fellow on the street. Once she related: "In the morning the garbage men that go by 57th Street when I come out the door say, 'Marilyn, hi! How do you feel this morning?' To me it's an honor, and I love them for it. The workingmen - I'll go by and they'll whistle. At first they whistle because they think, oh, it's a girl, she's got blond hair and she's not out of shape, and then they say, "Gosh, it's Marilyn Monroe!" And that has its - you know, those are the times it's nice, people knowing who you are and all of that, and feeling that you've meant something to them."

"People respect you because they feel you've survived hard times and endured, and although you've become famous, you haven't become phony."

Some people are naturally psychic about themselves and their future. What must she have been thinking when she said, "Sometimes I think it would be easier to avoid old age, to die young, but then you would never complete your life, would you? You would never wholly know yourself..." And she never really did.

Respecting her idol, Carl Sandburg, Marilyn did some poetic work with words.

Life -
I am of both your directions
Existing more with the cold frost
Strong as a cobweb in the wind
Hanging downward the most
Somehow remaining
Those beaded rays have the colors
I've seen in paintings - ah life
they have cheated you...
thinner than a cobweb's thread
sheerer than any-
but it did attach itself
and held fast in strong winds
and sindged by leaping hot fires
life - of which at singular times
I am of both your directions -
somehow I remain hanging downward
the most
as both of your directions pull me.
- Marilyn Monroe -

I left my home of green rough wood,
A blue velvet couch.
I dream till now
A shiny dark bush
Just left of the door.

Down the walk
Clickity clack
As my doll in her carriage
Went over the cracks-
"We'll go far away."

Don't cry my doll
Don't cry
I hold you and rock you to sleep
Hush hush I'm pretending now
I'm not your mother who died.

Help Help
Help I feel life coming closer
When all I want is to die
- Marilyn Monroe -

Here goes -
Good nite
Sleep tight
and Sweet repose
Where ever you lay your Head-
I hope you find your nose-
- Marilyn Monroe -

From time to time
I make it rhyme
but don't hold that kind
of thing
Oh well what the hell
so it won't sell
what I want to tell-
is what's on my mind
taint Dishes
taint Wishes
it's thoughts
flinging by
before I die
and to think
in ink
- Marilyn Monroe -

Night of the Nite-soothing-
Seems different-Night has
No eyes nor no one-silence-
except to the Night itself
- Marilyn Monroe -

To The Weeping Willow

I stood beneath your limbs
and you flowered and finally clung to me
and when the wind struck with ... the earth
and sand- you clung to me.
- Marilyn Monroe -

I could have loved you once
and even said it
But you went away,
A long way away.
When you came back it was too late
And love was a forgotten word.
- Marilyn Monroe -

O, Time
Be kind.
Help this weary being
To forget what is sad to remember.
Loose my loneliness,
Ease my mind,
While you eat my flesh.
- Marilyn Monroe -

I've got a tear hanging over
my beer that I can't let go.
It's too bad
I feel sad
When I got all my life behind me.

If I had a little relief
From this grief
I could find a drowning
straw to hold on to.

It's great to be alive.
They say I'm lucky to be alive
it's hard to figure out -
when everything I feel - hurts!
- Marilyn Monroe -

Marilyn was certainly more than an actress. She was an artist as well. She did three known pen sketches. She also had an original way with doing a song. Contrary to some of her outspoken critics, she definitely had talent, talent in many different areas.

Click here to go forward to page 4 and actually see a diary or some remains. Now you are in for some surprises. Just go and see for yourself.

Click here if you would like to see a collection of recent books on Marilyn Monroe including a lot of interesting bookcovers. They are a good representation of what is being researched and found about the real life story of a great screen legend. There will be ways back to the diary but it wouldn't hurt to bookmark about now. We are associated with Amazon.com and they have great prices on these works.

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(c)copyright 2000 Beimers All rights reserved.

Click on lips to hear a message to you.

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Click on lips to get a kiss from Marilyn out of cyberspace.

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Amazon.com 100 Hot CDs and also, while at Amazon, you could look up my latest book that I've published (2004) called "Russia's Little America". Click on this small picture to see it larger. That's me on the cover along with my favorite cover girl...my wife. The book is all about a KGB agent and his Chinese girlfriend who build a school in Siberia for agents to become familiar with the U.S. You won't be disappointed for I've been there and my story is exciting.

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