Dreams 'R Us

You are getting sleepy...

Dreams are evocative, provacative, concrete yet just out of reach. Dreams have always fascinated me. They can grab a hold of you and shake you up or calm you down. They can stir up emotions you never knew you had. 

I would like this little virtual space to be dedicated to our dreams. Please email me any dreams (the good, the bad, and the lucid) you have had and I will post them here. Also appropriate is poetry, thoughts & philosophies on dreams. Check back to see your dreams here and who else has contributed. 

Dream on!

Some of my thoughts on dreams... 
Dreams have unleashed my creativity -- I have dreamed up paintings that I later painted, designs for clothes, once I even wrote a term paper! 

Dreams are also a great source of anxiety for me. My nightmares can be Goddess-awful!  I frequently have nightmares when I sleep alone. I have tried to use music to influence my dreams. It has worked but not consistently, any ideas for good sleep music? 

I have also attempted lucid dreaming. I believe that I have only really succeeded at this twice. This was a few years ago and I can't recall the dreams now. 

Another interesting thing about dreams is the recollection of them. When waking my dreams are in the forefront of my memory-- of coures as the day goes on they fade into nothingness.  I often share my dreams with others, usually with my significant other. She rarely remembers her dreams. The weird thing is, even if I completely remember the dream and explain it to her in detail, I soon forget it. She may bring it up later, "Remember that dream you had last week?"  And I can't remember it. She will go on and tell me exactly what I had told her about it and I still can not recall it. The best I can usually do is vaguely remember that I told her about a dream.  Why can't I even remember what I told her? 

Your web mistress, 
Jen darkangelj68@hotmail.com

A recent dream of mine...
    I dreamt that I was at work (I temp at a paint factory) and instead of the cafeteria there was a TGIF's.  So I went there and my girlfriend was there.  I ordered a margarita and french fries.  The waitress left and then came back and I told her not to put beef in the margarita (apparently in my dreamland margaritas come with ground beef!).  So she huffed away to tell the bartender.  When she came back with my margarita and fries there was all this ground beef on the fries.  I told her that I couldn't eat beef (I am trying my damndest to be a vegetarian).  I asked her to take it back.  She wouldn't, so I was left there and I just didn't eat.

                      Dream-themed Poetry...in no particular order 

"Late Show"  Author Unkown 

Once more  
as in a half-remembered dream 
I close the cellar door 
and climb the spiral stair. 
Ghoulish figures waver in a torchlight scene: 
The hunchback huddled in his crooked chair 
The monster grinning 
through his bolts and stitches 
The mad doctor with his vials and switches 
And the catatonic bride with  
blue-electric hair.

"Restless Dreams"  Author Unknown 

The night is tiger-eyed and restless in its cage. 
A clock ticks; a phone rings. 
Doors open and close. 
In the first dream / fire two shots - 
        twelve red-eyed dogs bite the orange dust. 
In the second dream my bride and I 
        are rollerskating on the moon. 
In the third dream I'm standing  
        in my father's grave. 
The phone is ringing. 
My mother answers it. 
A voice mutters: 
Give me your money or your life.

Untitled  by:  Sioux Henzig 

Puffs of licorice smoke disolve 
leaving only 
an endless 
summer rerun 
of a stewardess-disguised pig 
wriggling on my television screen. 
The shadowy magenta figure 
of a toothless Cinderella with no feet 
tumbled and flopped 
like a palsied marionette 
among twelve bent and weeping tulips 
Amid the endless grains 
of a chalkdust desert 
Box upon box of patent leather Ho Ho's 
march shoulder to shoulder 
under the melting gaze  

"Dream?"  by:  Rachelle L. Hornak 

My body is released from the trench of reality 
I float above the streets and buildings 
     as if I were in a dream 
The clouds are friendly and warm 
I am flying, flying, flying 

I am high on will power and self esteem 
I float above the highways and traffic 
     as if I were in a dream 
The roads are clear in front of me 
I am flying, flying, flying 

My body is possessed by freedom 
I float above the fields and trees 
     as if I were in a dream 
The dying colors surround me with energy 
I am flying, flying, flying 

I am alive and cleansed  
I float above my past 
     as if I were in a dream 
The sun has never shone so bright 
I am flying, flying, flying 

My body is mine 
I float 
     I am not in a dream 
the doors have opened 
I have entered 
I am flying, flying, flying 

"Dreamwalk"  by:  Jason Breitzman 

I am merely a man 
Walking in a dream called life. 
Longing for the future to pass. 
Holding the land to my heart, 
Crying with the wind. 
Searching for the truth, 
In anything, 
Of anything. 
My soul wanders with no vision. 
I am blind to dreams, 
Fear and bliss whose meanings are lost, 
Yet I dream with each passing moment. 
I want to be that which I do not dream. 
I want reality to be, 
Not to be dreamed. 

"Psychological Detention"  by:  Erik Ninnemann 

To some I am reality 
To some I am a memory 
To some I may be fantasy 
To me I feel I'm nobody 

My thoughts they are insanity 
My dreams distort reality 
I react with such absurdity 
I drown in insecurity 

Guilt becomes my chastity 
Ashamed of my mortality 
I've never known my destiny 
I feel like God is testing me 

I practice nonconformity 
Overwhelming abnormality 
Springs from creativity 
I'm treated with humility 

I feel nothing but hostility 
My heart is in captivity 
Defending vulnerablility 
I fear the world is killing me 

"Defenseless"  by:  Jennifer Wagner 

A view of a girl from above 
Sleeping in all white sheets 
She turns over 
     her face revealed 
Pale against white sheets 
The face I see is mine 
     shrouded in white 
A pain in my stomach 
     creeping up my spine 
         with stealth 
A distinctly male voice is heard 
Surrounding everything 
     smothering her, 
"Look at her," he yells 
"She's defenseless," he bellows 
"Her fate is up to me," he screams, mockingly 
A faint squeaking sound 
Growing louder, louder still 
Rats!  Dirtying the pristine sheets 
Teeth gniashing 
Beady eyes boaring holes into the sheets. 
Blood flows freely 
The sheets dye red, pristine.


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© 1998 darkangelj68@hotmail.com