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Classics and Mediterranean Archaeology 2

Exhibits, Web Documents and Sources of Images

Extended presentations of discrete topics and image archives are likely to be listed here.
  1. Age, Gender and Status Divisions at Mealtime in the Roman House
  2. Alexander the Great's Home Page
  3. Amazons in Greek Mythology
  4. Ancient Civilizations and Lost Cities
  5. Ancient Greek World at the University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology
  6. Ancient Roman Place Names and Their Modern Equivalents
  7. Ancient Rome
  8. Andrew Riggsby's Home Page
  9. Archaeological Photography
  10. Archaeological Resource
  11. L'Arch�ologie sous les mers. From the Minist�re de la Culture et de la Francophonie. (English version)
  12. Archaeology in Luxembourg
  13. Archaeology in Malta
  14. Archimedes
  15. Art History on the Web. With headings for Greek Classical, Etruscan, Hellenistic, Roman, Early Christian, Byzantine, Medieval and Romanesque categories.
  16. Art Images
  17. Assyria On-line
  18. Avillium
  19. Babylonian and Egyptian Mathematics
  20. Barbarians on the Greek Periphery? Origins of Celtic Art
  21. The "Best of" Gibbon's Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  22. Byzantium 1200
  23. La Casa Romana
  24. Chaironeia: Plutarch's Home on the Web
  25. The Christian Topography of Cosmas Indicopleustes
  26. Christus Rex et Redemptor Mundi. In addition to being overtly religious, this site has many good images.
  27. Classical Myths, The Ancient Sources
  28. Classical Text Editor
  29. Clemens' Canonical List of Romans
  30. Coptic Orthodox Church of Egypt. From Boston University.
  31. D. Anthony Storm's Web Site on Plato
  32. The Decline of the Library and Museum of Alexandria
  33. Egeria and the Fourth Century Liturgy of Jerusalem
  34. The Electronic Beowulf from the University of Kentucky or the British Library.
  35. Eranos, Acta philologica Suecana
  36. Foz Coa. Paleolithic art threatened with submersion.
  37. A Glossary of Literary Devices and Rhetorical Terms
  38. Gods on File. A web site for mythology.
  39. Greek Font to Unicode Converter
  40. The Gregory of Nyssa Homepage
  41. Histoire de l'art
  42. History of Mathematics. See under regions for Mediterranean material.
  43. The House of Ptolemy
  44. I, Claudius
  45. Images for Art History at the Australian National University.
  46. Images from History
  47. Images of Orality and Literacy in Greek Iconography of the Fifth, Fourth and Third Centuries BCE
  48. Index of Images From Vergil MSS Vat. lat. 3225 and 3867
  49. IRIS University of Cincinnati Classics Slide Collection
  50. The History of Plumbing
  51. Hungryfrog Educational Software
  52. Jay's History and Technology Back Pages
  53. The Later Seleucids
  54. Legion XIIII: Ancient history brought to life
  55. Levantine Castles
  56. Library of Congress Vatican Exhibit
  57. The Ludovisi and Boston Thrones
  58. Maecenas: images of ancient Greece and Rome
  59. Mithraic Material from David Ulansey
  60. Mithraism
  61. Mothers of Time: Seven Palaeolithic Figurines from the Louis Alexandre Jullien Collection
  62. Mythology in Western Art
  63. Navigare Necesse Est
  64. NILE: Northern Illustrated Lectures in Egyptology
  65. Palynology & palaeoclimatology. From the Australian National University.
  66. Period and Style for Designers. Don't be fooled. Lots of images from many periods.
  67. Portraits of Roman Emperors
  68. Pottery Processing in the Field: The First Step Toward Publication (AIA Panel)
  69. Presocratic Philosophers
  70. Professor George E. Mylonas Expedition to Mycenae
  71. QTVR Interface to the Perseus Project
  72. The Return of Odysseus and the Elements of Euclid
  73. Roma e il suo fiume
  74. Roman Ball Games
  75. Roman Calendar
  76. Roman Coins of the Early Empire
  77. Roman Military Sites in Britain
  78. Romanae Antiquae: an informal look at the lives of women in ancient Rome
  79. The Romans Page
  80. Scrolls from the Dead Sea: The Ancient Library of Qumran and Modern Scholarship
  81. Second Temple Synagogues
  82. Servers for the Levant. From Norway. Try the historical images.
  83. The Seven Wonders of the Ancient World
  84. The Shroud of Turin Home Page
  85. Slide Shows with Images from the Perseus Project.
  86. SPQR: The Game.
  87. Symbolism in Architecture, The Window of Appearance: The Temple Palace of Rameses III at Medinet Habu 1175 BC by Mohammed Motlib
  88. Tradtitions of Magic in Late Antiquity
  89. Translation in Context
  90. Turkish Home Page
  91. Von den ersten Siedlern zu den Trois Seigneurs Arch�ologische Funde aus dem Biterrois
  92. The Warfare and Tactics of the Roman Republic
  93. Windows on Italy. A brief history of Italy.
  94. World Art Treasures
  95. The World of the Vikings: A project led by the National Museum of Denmark and The York Archaeological Trust
  96. Xenophon Homepage
  97. Field Projects and Site or Region Specific Resources

  98. The 1995 Excavations of the Megaron at Midea
  99. Ager Salonitanus Project
  100. Alexandria: shining pearl of the Mediterranean
  101. The Ancient City of Athens
  102. Aquileia
  103. Archaeological Fieldwork Server. From Cornell.
  104. Archeodonum SA
  105. Anglo-American Project at Pompeii
  106. Athienou Archaeological Project
  107. The Australian Expedition to Pella in Jordan
  108. Capo Alfiere. A Neolithic site near Crotone, Calabria, Italy
  109. Carthage, Tunisia: Archaeological Field School (University of Alberta)
  110. Catalh�y�k: Excavations of a Neolithic Anatolian Tell.
  111. Chianciano Terme
  112. The Chrisitan Catacombs of Rome
  113. Combined Caesarea Excavations. Underwater Excavations of Sebastos: King Herod's Harbor.
  114. Combined Caesarea Expeditions
  115. Conimbriga: A Roman Town in Portugal
  116. Constantinople Home Page
  117. Corinth Computer Project
  118. The Cornell Halai East Lokris Project
  119. Dome of the Rock
  120. Egyptological Fieldwork Directory
  121. Eleusis Archaeological Project
  122. Excavaciones en la ciudad romana de Arva (Alcolea del R�o, Sevilla)
  123. The Forum Romanum Exploring an ancient marketplace
  124. GABII: un progetto di valorizzazione e di recupero archeologico attraverso l'impresa sociale
  125. GIS and Remote Sensing for Archaeology: Burgundy, France
  126. Une grotte orn�e pal�olithique en France (Ard�che)
  127. Ground Truth: Bronze Age Northern Spain.
  128. Hacimusilar Project
  129. History of Sardinia
  130. Horace's Villa near Licenza
  131. Islamic Architecture in Isfahan
  132. Izmir Region Excavations and Research Project
  133. Jarash. From the Jordan page at MIT.
  134. The Jerusalem Mosaic
  135. Kommagene: Watchful Stones
  136. The Korinthia Regional Research Consortium
  137. Land of Sumer and Akkad
  138. Late Roman Delphi
  139. Lepcis Magna. The Roman Empire in North Africa
  140. Leptiminus Archaeological Project, Tunisia
  141. Les Carnets d'Arch�ologie
  142. MARWP:Minnesota Archaeological Researches in the Western Peloponnese.
  143. The Marki Project, Cyprus
  144. The Megiddo Excavations, Tel Aviv University
  145. Mochlos Excavation Project
  146. Mostra il Monte delle Anfore: Monte Testaccio in Rome
  147. National Endowment for the Humanities: Archaeological Project Guidelines and Archaeology Projects On-Line.
  148. Nea Paphos Hellenistic Theatre Excavation
  149. Nemea Valley Archaeological Project - Archaeological Survey
  150. The Newstead Research Project
  151. Nimes: 2000 ans de culture latine
  152. Ognina. Underwater archaeological survey off Sicily
  153. The Ohio State Excavations at Isthmia
  154. L'Oppidum de Bramefan (commune de Puyloubier, Bouches-du-Rh�ne)
  155. The Oriental Institute has made available reports on its projects.
  156. Ostia: Harbour of Ancient Rome
  157. The "Palace" of Diocletian at Split. From the EXPO at UNC.
  158. Petra. From the Jordan page at MIT.
  159. Plan de Rome, Universite de Caen, Basse-Normandie
  160. Pompeii Forum Project
  161. Pompeii from Tulane
  162. Project Zeugma: The use of remote sensing and GIS technology for archaeology on the Euphrates
  163. Proyecto Carteia
  164. Pylos Regional Archaeological Project (PRAP), Greece
  165. The Riu Mannu Regional Archaeological Project
  166. The Roman Gask Project
  167. The ruins at Rione Terra in Pozzuoli
  168. The Samnites in the Royal Palace at Caserta
  169. Lo Scavo del Monte Castellare
  170. Ancient Shikhin, Israel
  171. The Sloinge Project
  172. SMU Excavations at Poggio Colla (Tuscany, Italy)
  173. Southern Temple Excavations at Petra, Jordan (Brown University)
  174. The Step Pyramid Complex of Djoser
  175. Tannanim Archaeological Project
  176. Tel Hazor, Israel
  177. Tel Rehov
  178. Tell en-Nasbeh Research Project
  179. Tell Tuneinir, Syria
  180. University of Cambridge Theban Mission: 1992, 1993, 1994.
  181. Tusculum: Proyecto de investigaci�n
  182. University of Chicago Excavations at Isthmia
  183. The University of Melbourne Northeastern Turkey Archaeological Project
  184. University of Michigan/University of Asiut Project in the Eastern Desert of Egypt.
  185. University of South Florida Excavations at Sepphoris, Israel: 1993, 1994, the glass from Sepphoris.
  186. Valeria Archaeological Survey Project
  187. Vichten, Luxembourg: the Roman mosaic
  188. Volubilis (Morocco: Pomp and Grandeur on the edge of the Roman world
  189. Wadi Araba Archaeological Research Project
  190. Webacropol
  191. Williams College Excavations at Psalmodi, France
  192. The Wroxeter Hinterland Project
  193. Xanten. A computer reconstruction of Colonia Ulpia Traiana.
  194. Zeugma

Background Notes:
March 23 1998: Starbirth in NGC 1808
Credit: J. Flood (AAI), M. Mutchler (STScI), WFPC2, HST, NASA

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