Cool Links & Weird Stuff

(or what's kept me halfway sane)

Some of these have been instrumental in keeping my mental state grounded. Others just perked my interest, and I hope they do the sme for you. Try em all!

Links to other sites on the Web

Only the BEST sports site, and it's canuck :)
WWF rasslin' - only the best damned night of entertaining you'll get
Homer, Bart, Marge, Maggie & Lisa. Nuff Said.
Free internet. I'm a canuck so i can't use this yet. Hopefully someone can eh?
Def Leppard - The best damned band on the planet, I don't care what anyone says! :P
The best in unbiased news & views, canuck as well. Ain't we great?:) Has a RealAudio link if you want to give it a listen.

This is so basic it ain't funny, but it's a start. I hven't done anything to this pag in a year damnit, so be pleased with what ye got eh?:P

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