[Dodie and Miro] [User Policy/introduction] [Animations] [Construction clipart] [Wallpaper] [Dividers] [Email clipart] [Photos] [Buttons] [Accessories] [Email us]





If you use any of the graphics you are free to link back to us using one of the small banners on the left

A selection of dalmatian animated gifs to choose from. Most were designed by Maryann Augustinus although a few have had spots put onto similarly shaped dogs. See the conditions of usage, below.
A page of construction graphics for use on Dalmatian web pages See the conditions of usage, below.
Backgrounds with a dalmatian theme for your Dalmatian web page. See the conditions of usage, below.
Page dividers with dalmatian and dog themes.See the conditions of usage, below.
Come and have a look at the dalmatian email graphics Maryann has designed See the conditions of usage, below.
A selection of Dalmatian photographs available for use on dalmatian web pages See the conditions of usage, below.
A page of buttons. See the conditions of usage, below.
A page of dog accessories. Dog bowls, leads, paw prints can all be found here. See the conditions of usage, below.







Please note ; only the images on the Free Graphics pages are ok to use. Anything else on the site, including heading/page graphics, are copyrighted and strictly off limits. The images are not be used for commercial purposes nor are they to be used on "gallery" type sites (sites that have free graphics to download) nor are they allowed to be taken and redesigned. Dalmatian clubs may use the artwork for their web sites/newsletters as long as the artist- Maryann Augustinus - is acknowledged.The animations and dal graphics are FREE for use on non-profit web pages and personal homepages. None of the graphics on this site are to be used on commercial sites, or publications, nor are they to be used on any sites that are x-rated, or are linked to x-rated sites.

[Dodie and Miro] [User Policy/introduction] [Animations] [Construction clipart] [Wallpaper] [Dividers] [Email clipart] [Photos] [Buttons] [Accessories] [Email us]

Copyright © 2001- Dodie and Miro