I'm Trouble, a siamese flame male.
Welcome to my page

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Energy materialized, and oh, in such a little size
All fluff and purr and cuddly cute,
With rough pink tongue and wet li'l snoot.
An' he's hardly ever quiet,
Always on the go
From fireplace to chair back
To your knee, round he'll go.
At rest, I've said that's seldom,
He's a tender ball of fur
And if you touch him just so
You can hear he's motorized.
But if you treat him roughtly
Or if his moods not right
He's claws as sharp as needles
And teeth that really bite.
So kitten is for watching;
And left with room to grow
Sometimes he'll brush your leg
And you can touch him if he wants.
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Hi there, I'm Trouble, a siamese flame male kitten. When I grow up I want to be just like Fancy

RRight! That was last year; now I'm the cat.

Me inspecting Fancy's chair

Oh, sure! They have a party & the cat does the work

Aunt Reba! Is that you?

