The Reading Garden
Suite 101Top 5 Logo

A showcase for writers and readers

This site is dedicated to readers and writers of all genres, and showcases excerpted works of published and unpublished authors. Stop by often to read new excerpts. All authors are welcome to submit excerpts of a finished or in-progress work. I hope you enjoy the excerpts, and I'd like to thank the authors who volunteered to share their words. May these excerpts lead you to many hours of reading enjoyment with favorite authors, both old and new. Any author who would like to submit an excerpt, please let me know. Sharing is what this site is all about. Come back often to see what's new, and mention The Reading Garden to your friends. Oh, and before you go on to the excerpts, won't you please browse The Reading Garden's AWARDS pages, and sign (on this page) one of my guest books? Uh, uh, uh! Not so fast! Last, but certainly not least, don't overlook the list of *must-see* Site Hops, which includes a grouping of author home pages as well as writer and reader resource links. This list was entrusted to me personally by Freda P. Frog, Site Hopper Extroardinaire. Site Hops includes a web search engine for your convenience.


March 26th, 1997 - GeoCities named The Reading Garden one of their Featured Sites.

May 26th, 1997 - The Reading Garden named a Top Five Romance Novel Sites by Suite 101.

The Young Writers Patch

Is there anything more exciting than seeing a young writer express their love of the written word? To watch words, characters and situations come alive through the eyes and imagination of youth? Come on over to The Reading Garden's newest section and experience for yourself!

The Music Room

Come in, pull up a speckled toadstool and enjoy The Garden Variety Band.

The Script Scene

Are you curious, as I am, how a screen and/or stage play looks on paper? Well, thanks to Diana Fox we have a wonderful screenplay excerpt, now showcased in The Garden Spotlight. Come on, don't just stand there, step into The Spotlight and read Diana's charming registered screenplay, and maybe learn a thing or two about how it's done!

Down The Poetry Path

If you love romantic poetry, expressed for and to a special someone, then look no further. It is my great privilege to exhibit the poetry of Judith and Tommy Williams. Their personal love story is legend on the Internet, and the words they speak to and of each other are well worth reading. Be sure to visit their site, Williamholler, after you read their poems! Join me in extending a warm welcome to our newest contributing poet, the very talented Rod Nichols. Rod is very active in the Poetry section of CompuServe's Author's Forum, and sometimes incorporates beautiful graphics as background to his poetry. Don't forget, if you'd like to have your poetry displayed for visitors to The Reading Garden, please be sure and send it to me.

**Note: Please "reload" or "refresh" to view the most current page. This applies to *all* the pages in The Reading Garden.

=Published author =Aspiring author

Suzanne Barrett
A TERRIBLE BEAUTY --straight historical --bottom of page six
Charlotte Boyett-Compo
KEEPER OF THE WIND --historical romance --page forty

Emma Craig
CHRISTMAS PIE --historical romance --page thirty eight

Emma Craig
ROSAMUNDA'S REVENGE --historical romance --page eight

Millie Criswell
DESPERATE --historical romance --page twenty four

Millie Criswell
DANGEROUS --historical romance --page thirty eight

Millie Criswell
DEFIANT --historical romance --page forty four

Alice Duncan
WILD DREAM --historical romance --page nine

Jo Ann Ferguson
THE COUNTERFEIT COUNT --Regency romance --page nineteen

Connie Flynn
ONLY COUPLES NEED APPLY --short contemporary romance --page thirty one

Connie Flynn
SHADOW ON THE MOON --paranormal romance --page thirty

Lori Foster
OUTRAGEOUS --short contemporary romance --top of page five

Diana Fox
NEW BEGINNINGS --short contemporary romance --page fifteen

Barbara Freethy
ASK MARIAH --single title contemporary romance --top of page eleven

Diana Gabaldon
THE FIERY CROSS --time travel --page thirty two

Judy Gill
LADY ON TOP --short contemporary romance --top of page one

Shirley Hailstock
LEGACY --multi-cultural romance --page twelve

Bonnie Hamre
SNOWBOUND --Regency romance (novella) --page thirty seven

Cheryl Cooke Harrington & Anne Norman
ROCK SOLID --short contemporary romance --page thirty seven

Lorraine Heath
ALWAYS TO REMEMBER --historical romance --page nineteen

Stef Ann Holm
HARMONY --historical romance --page thirty six

Carole Howey
STEAL ME, SWEET THIEF --historical romance --top of page six

Tess Mallory
CIRCLES IN TIME --time travel romance --page thirty three

Tess Mallory
TO TOUCH THE STARS --futuristic romance --page thirty four

Patricia McLinn
THE RANCHER MEETS HIS MATCH --contemporary romance --page forty two

Patricia McLinn
WIDOW WOMAN --historical romance --page forty one

Patricia McLinn
A STRANGER TO LOVE --short contemporary romance --page seventeen

Julie Moffett
THE THORN & THE THISTLE --historical romance --page thirty five

Peggy Moreland
MARRY ME, COWBOY --short contemporary romance --page twenty three

Linda Opdyke
STONES THROW --thriller --page twenty eight

Delia Parr
THE IVORY DUCHESS --historical romance --top of page three

Kate Saundby
FORTUNE'S HOSTAGE --sf/fantasy romance --page fifty nine

Lynda Simons
MARRYING WELL --short contemporary romance --page twenty six

Cynthia Sterling
PATCHWORK HEARTS --historical --page fifty nine

Antoinette Stockenberg
DREAM A LITTLE DREAM --paranormal --page twenty seven

Susan Taggart
WEB OF INTRIGUE --inspirational suspense romance --forty three

Aimee and David Thurlo
BLACKENING SONG --mystery --top of page thirteen

Aimee Thurlo
HER DESTINY --short contemporary romance --bottom of page thirteen

Bonnie Tucker
HANNAH'S HUNKS --short contemporary romance --bottom of page one

Polly Whitney
UNTIL THE END OF TIME --mystery --page sixteen

Eileen Wilks
THE WRONG WIFE --short contemporary romance --page eighteen

Rachel Wilson
SWEET CHARITY --historical romance --page four

Sharon Zukowski
PRELUDE TO DEATH --mystery --top of page seven

Heidi Ashworth
THE WICKED CICISBEO --Regency romance --page thirty nine

Leah Berkowitz
SHIELD OF ABRAHAM --historical romance --bottom of page three
Margery Harkness Casares
WHITE AZALEAS --single title romance --page twenty five

Laurie Creasy
CHARMED --fantasy/magic --page twenty one
Bob Joaquin
THE KITE --short story --page forty eight
Michele Janine Johnson
STIMULATING CIRCUMSTANCES --romantic suspense --page fourteen

Elizabeth Keys
DREAMWEAVER --time travel romance --page four
Rhonda Nolan
MAGNOLIA BLOOMS --romance (short story - contemporary/fantasy romance) --page sixty

Rhonda Nolan
LEAP --romance (short story) --page forty two

Rhonda Nolan
A YELLOW ROSE --romance (short story) --page forty three

Bonnee Pierson
IMPOSSIBLE SILENCE --historical romance --page twenty two
Bonnee Pierson
INTO THE LIGHT --paranormal romance --bottom of page eleven
Paula Smith
GLASS SLIPPER --short contemporary romance --top of page two
Rebecca Vinyard
THE PICKPOCKET --historical romance --bottom of page two
Trace Edward Zaber
ESPRIT DE CORPS --short story --page fifty

More on the way!

Click any guestbook to sign it, or click "view" to see other entries.

*Note: Toast discontinued free guestbooks and notified me mine is "irretrievable", so several hundred entries are lost. Those who signed before, won't you please again sign either the LPage (left) or GeoCities (right) guestbook? Thanks!

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